To simplify installation process, you can deploy a container (~virtual machine) with all dependencies pre-installed.
tl;dr dockerhub url
We recommend you to use either native docker (recommended for linux) or kitematic(recommended for windows).
- Installing kitematic, a simple interface to docker (all platforms)
- Pure docker: Guide for windows, linux, or macOS.
Below are the instructions for both approaches.
Find justheuristic/practical_rl in the search menu. Download and launch the container.
Click on "web preview" screen in the top-right or go to settings, ports and fing at which port your jupyter is located, usually 32***.
docker run justheuristic/practical_rl -it -v <local_dir>:/notebooks -p <local_port>:8888 dl docker run justheuristic/practical_rl -it -v /Users/mittov/Documents/shad/semester4/:/notebooks -p 8888:8888 dl
Build container $ docker build -t rl .
Run it $ docker run --rm -it -v <local_dir>:/notebooks -p <local_port>:8888 dl examples: $ docker run --rm -it -v /Users/mittov/Documents/shad/semester4/:/notebooks -p 8888:8888 dl
Copy the token from console and run http://localhost:8888/?token=