I've been trying to integrate OpenSearch with our LDAP-catalog, in order to not have the whole team logging in as "admin", but I can't quite make it work.
I tried changing the settings in viya4-monitoring-kubernetes/logging/opensearch/securityconfig/config.yaml based on the documentation from OpenSearch which is linked to in the security settings menu in the default SAS OpenSearch installation, i.e. this
But when I re-apply my installation after updating and adding all required values OpenSearch does not change, and if I go back and login again with my local account and go to securit> settings > the LDAP expression is still the local one
"enable_ssl": false,
"enable_start_tls": false,
"enable_ssl_client_auth": false,
"verify_hostnames": true,
"hosts": [
"userbase": "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com",
"usersearch": "(sAMAccountName={0})"
Is this because I cannot modify the settings after first installation, will it help if I do a complete uninstall and then reinstall ?
Is there a way to do this with settings in the viya4-monitoring-userdir config files instead ?