Groovy Scripting Automation Support
This repository mainly holds individual scripts for automation of functional test reference purpose only. I keep individual files for various functionalities used in READY API
Few Functionalities include 1> Create New Project Using Groovy scripts 2> Import WSDL into a project (already hosted WSDLs itno any specified project) 3> Creating new Test Environments 4> Setting end points and JDBC Strings per environment 5> Linux Server command execution from ReadyAPI 6> Add and Remove assertions into test step 7> Scripts for writing Request Responses to Files 8> Triggering PUTTY terminal Servers from READYAPI 9> Various Date formats for reference 10> Refer one groovy script from another script 11> Switching active test environment 12> Looping the entire test suite and test cases 13> Insert an XML tag into SOAP step 14> Connecting to Database and getting test data 15> Fetch/write data from and to PROPERTIES step 16> Sending MQ Messages from READY API 17> Fetching Logs from Linux Server