So you want to participate in developing Kate? Great! The project is always in need of helping hands.
If you need pointers, please visit the following pages:
Central hub for information around Kate development: Just head to our website
How to compile Kate on your machine? Read our Build it! tutorial.
How to help out with the project? See our Join Us! page.
Contributions to kate.git shall be licensed under LGPLv2+ or MIT.
All files shall contain a proper "SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later" or "SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT" identifier inside a header like:
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Christoph Cullmann <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.0-or-later
SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Christoph Cullmann <>
SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
The apps folder contains both the Kate and KWrite applications itself and their shared implementation.
The apps/lib directory contains the shared sources of the Kate and KWrite applications.
Close to everything beside the main functions of the two applications is implemented there.
This is installed a shared library kateprivate that can be used by addons, too. The library isn't BC over releases, no headers to use it are installed to the system.
The apps/kate directory contains the Kate application sources.
Kate is using KUserFeedback for telemetry starting with release 20.04.
For details of the opt-in send information, see
The apps/kwrite directory contains the KWrite application sources.
KWrite is using KUserFeedback for telemetry starting with release 22.08.
For details of the opt-in send information, see
The addons directory contains in sub-directories the sources of all bundled plugins. These plugins are not only used by Kate itself but other KTextEditor compatible applications, like KDevelop.
The doc directory contains the Kate, KWrite & KatePart manuals.
The LICENSES directory contains the license files as referenced in the individual source files. For any used SPDX-License-Identifier the matching license should be located there.
Kate's mascot, Kate the Cyber Woodpecker, was designed by Tyson Tan.
More details can be found on our mascot page.