The goal of this project was to detect chess pieces in photos of live chess games. We constructed our own hand-labeled dataset of 500 photos.
Our training set was relatively small with a lot of noise (angle of photos, background, etc.). Using Hough Transforms, we were able to find the corners of the boards and warp every image into a perfect square, which significantly reduced the noise. With these simpler images, we were able to use a relatively straightforward CNN to classify the piece on each of the 64 spaces in the board images with almost perfect accuracy.
Our paper can be found here.
- Samuel Ryan (samryan@seas)
- Mukund Venkateswaran (mukundv@seas)
- Michael Deng (michdeng@wharton)
- Kurt Convey (kconvey@seas)
- Follow instructions below to preprocess labeled images
- Upload the most up to real dataset notebook date notebook from
into Google Colab and update path to the preprocessed dataset.
Only necessary for a new dataset. There is a preprocessed dataset available here which is referenced in the current notebook.
$ git clone
$ cd chess-ray-vision
$ pip install -e .
$ preprocess [OPTIONS] # or run with no options to be prompted for inputs
# Example run with inputs
$ preprocess --verbose --glob_path="path_to_images/*.jpeg" --dest_path="./preprocessed"
- Include
to specify where the images to preprocess are stored and what the file format is - Prompted for if not included
- Include
to specify where to put preprocessed images - Prompted for if not included
- Flag for whether to print info about the run
- Include
to run in this mode
- Run
$ preprocess --help
for help.
We are nearing 100% validation accuracy.
As a proof of concept, we ran our models on a much easier dataset of online chessboard imgaes.
- Upload the most up to date easy dataset notebook from
into Google Colab and run all cells.
Preprocessing code adapted from here. (Thanks to @Elucidation)
- Convert image to binary bitmap
- Blur the image
- Sobol Filter
- Canny Edge Detectors
- Finding Contours with
- "Prune the contours"—Ramer–Douglas–Peucker Algorithm to reconcile "almost lines"
- Find line intersections
- Sanity checks
- convex hull
- correct num points
- check angles between lines
- Warp images
- Write to new files
- PyTorch (for training models)
- opencv-python (for image preprocessing)