- Install git, ruby
- Install virtualbox using the packages at Download VirtualBox
- Install vagrant using the installation instructions in the Getting Started document
- run the following commands:
mkdir -p $HOME/src && cd $HOME/src
git clone https://github.com/salimane/vagrant-rails-dev.git
cd vagrant-rails-dev/
bundle install
cd puppet && librarian-puppet install
vagrant up
vagrant provision
vagrant ssh
- zsh
- nginx
- sysctl configurations for lot of connections
- rvm + ruby 2.1.5 + 'bundle' gem
- mysql server
- postgresql
- redis
- memcached
- heroku toolbelt
- weighttp
To provision again in case of update or errors while the virtual machine is already up, use:
vagrant provision
It just runs puppet to apply manifests without restarting the virtual machine.
Restart Virtual Machine
To restart the virtual machine, use:
vagrant halt && vagrant up
vagrant reload
Startup speed
To speed up the startup process after the first run, use:
vagrant up --no-provision
It just starts the virtual machine without provisioning of the puppet recipes.
If you messed up your box or for whatever reasons, you want to start fresh, destroy the box and build again, simply use:
vagrant destroy && vagrant up
It will delete the entire virtual machine and build it from scratch again.