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Resources for the "CTRLsum: Towards Generic Controllable Text Summarization" paper


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This is PyTorch implementation of the paper:

CTRLsum: Towards Generic Controllable Text Summarization
Junxian He, Wojciech Kryściński, Bryan McCann, Nazneen Rajani, Caiming Xiong
arXiv 2020

This repo includes instructions for using pretrained CTRLsum models as well as training new models.

CTRLsum is a generic controllable summarization system to manipulate text summaries given control tokens in the form of keywords or prefix. CTRLsum is also able to achieve strong (e.g. state-of-the-art on CNN/Dailymail) summarization performance in an uncontrolled setting.

🎥 Demo1: Hugging Face Spaces(to interactively generate using the pretrained model)

🎥 Demo2(to navigate the CTRLsum outputs used in our experiments)

Model checkpoints

Dataset Dowload
CNN/DailyMail download (.tar.gz)
arXiv download (.tar.gz)
BIGPATENT download (.tar.gz)

These checkpoints are also available in huggingface transformers, see details below.


April 09, 2022

@aliencaocao made a repo here on converting our pretrained taggers into ONNX to make it much faster to load and run inference.

October 07, 2021

Integrated to Huggingface Spaces with Gradio. See demo: Hugging Face Spaces

June 18, 2021

We released another Web UI Demo (here) to navigate most of CTRLsum outputs generated in the experiments of the paper.

Mar 22, 2021

Hyunwoong Ko made a python package, summarizers, based on CTRLsum. CTRLsum is also now supported in huggingface transformers credited to Hyunwoong Ko. Currently CTRLsum can be easily used with several lines of codes with these packages. See an example using huggingface transformers.


The code requires Python 3, PyTorch (>=1.4.0), and fairseq (the code is tested on this commit)

Install dependencies:

# manually install fairseq
git clone

# this repo is tested on a commit of fairseq from May 2020:
# fad3cf0769843e767155f4d0af18a61b9a804f59
cd fairseq
git reset --hard fad3cf07

# the BART interface in fairseq does not support prefix-constrained decoding
# as of creating this README, thus we need to make several modifications to 
# fairseq before installing it
cp ../ctrlsum/ fairseq/tasks/
cp ../ctrlsum/ fairseq/
cp ../ctrlsum/ fairseq/models/bart/

# install fairseq
pip install --editable ./

cd ..

# install other requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

Example Usage of Pretrained Models

Option 1. Generate summaries in an interactive way, users can specify the control tokens (keywords, prompts, or both):

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=xx python scripts/ --exp [checkpoint directory] \
	--dataset example_dataset \
	--src test.oraclewordnssource

The command above reads source articles from datasets/example_dataset/test.oraclewordnssource, users can then interact with the system in the commandline by inputting the id of examples to be shown, as well as the control tokens:


Option 2. Generate summaries from a file which includes keywords:

# the following command generates summaries from `datasets/example_dataset/test.oraclewordnssource`
# the input data format is concatenated keywords and source with sep token, please refer to the 
# given example data files for examples
# the predicted summaries are saved into the checkpoint directory
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=xx python scripts/ --exp [checkpoint directory] \
	--dataset example_dataset \
	--src test.oraclewordnssource 

Option 3. Through Huggingface Transformers

Our pretrained model checkpoints are available in huggingface transformers, the model names are: hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-cnndm, hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-arxiv, and hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-bigpatent. An example code snippet (quoted from here):

1. Create models and tokenizers

>> from transformers import AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, PreTrainedTokenizerFast

>>> model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-cnndm")
>>> # model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-arxiv")
>>> # model = AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM.from_pretrained("hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-bigpatent")

>>> tokenizer = PreTrainedTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-cnndm")
>>> # tokenizer = PreTrainedTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-arxiv")
>>> # tokenizer = PreTrainedTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("hyunwoongko/ctrlsum-bigpatent")

2. Unconditioned summarization

>>> data = tokenizer("My name is Kevin. I love dogs. I loved dogs from 1996. Today, I'm going to walk on street with my dogs", return_tensors="pt")
>>> input_ids, attention_mask = data["input_ids"], data["attention_mask"]
>>> tokenizer.batch_decode(model.generate(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, num_beams=5))[0]
'</s>My name is Kevin. I loved dogs from 1996.</s>'

3. Conditioned summarization

  • You can input condition token using TOKEN => CONTENTS structure
>>> data = tokenizer("today plan => My name is Kevin. I love dogs. I loved dogs from 1996. Today, I'm going to walk on street with my dogs", return_tensors="pt")
>>> input_ids, attention_mask = data["input_ids"], data["attention_mask"]
>>> tokenizer.batch_decode(model.generate(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, num_beams=5))[0]
"</s> Today, I'm going to walk on street with my dogs. I loved dogs from 1996</s>"

4. Prompt summarization

  • You can also input decoder_input_ids for input prompt.
>>> data = tokenizer("Q:What is my name? A: => My name is Kevin. I love dogs. I loved dogs from 1996. Today, I'm going to walk on street with my dogs", return_tensors="pt")
>>> input_ids, attention_mask = data["input_ids"], data["attention_mask"]
>>> tokenizer.batch_decode(model.generate(input_ids, attention_mask=attention_mask, num_beams=5, decoder_input_ids=tokenizer("Q:What is My name? A:", return_tensors="pt")["input_ids"][:, :-1]))[0]
'<s>Q:What is My name? A: Kevin.</s>'

Option 4. Through the Summarizers Python Package

The python package summarizers allows you to use the pretrained CTRLsum with several lines of code.

Train CTRLsum

Data Processing

Prepare your data files into datasets/[dataset name], which should consist of six data files as [train/val/test].[source/target]. These data files are raw text with each row representing one example. We take cnndm dataset as an example to preprocess the dataset (see here for instructions to obtain the cnndm dataset):

# this command runs the preprocessing pipeline including tokenization, truncation, and 
# keywords extraction. It will generate all required data files to train CTRLsum into 
# `datasets/cnndm`. Example obtained files can be found in `datasets/example_dataset`
# Some optional arguments can be found in
python scripts/ cnndm --mode pipeline

# gpt2 encoding
bash scripts/ cnndm

# binarize dataset for fairseq
bash scripts/ cnndm

For the generated files in the datasets/cnndm, the suffix oracleword represents the keywords (after keyword dropout) file, oraclewordsource represents the concatenated keywords and source. oraclewordns represents the original keywords without keyword dropout. The .jsonl files are potentially used to train the tagger later.

Train the summarization model on multiple GPUs:

bash scripts/ -g [GPUs] -d [dataset name] -b [bart checkpoint path (.pt file)]

GPUs are GPU ids separated by ,. All our experiments are on 8 GPUs accumulating 8 gradient steps, resulting in an effective batch size of 1024x8x8 tokens in total. You propably need to increase the update_freq variable in if you use less GPUs to match the effective batch size. The saved models are in dir checkpoint. The training arguments can be found in

Train the keyword tagger (optional):

Note that the keyword tagger is required only in uncontrolled summarization setting and certain control settings which require automatic keywords (like length control in the paper)

# this requires to give 4 gpus for training by default,
# you need to change the --nproc_per_node value if you 
# train with different number of gpus
bash scripts/ -g [GPUs] -d [dataset name]

The effective batch size we used for different datasets can be found in the training script as number of gpus x batch x uddate_freq

Evaluate CTRLsum

Here we include evaluation for uncontrolled summarization settings.

Obtain automatic keywords from a trained tagger:

# run prediction from the tagger which outputs confidence values for every token
# `checkpoint directory` is the directory that contains the `pytorch_model.bin` checkpoint.
# the results are saved in the checkpoint directory as test_predictions.txt
bash scripts/ -g [GPUs] -d [dataset name] -p [checkpoint directory]

# obtain keywords by selecting confident words, `threshold, maximum-word, and summary-size` 
# are three hyperparameters in this step, please check Appendix A in the paper for specific
# values we used for different datasets, the performance is relatively robust
# this command will yield a file `.predwordsource` in `datasets/[dataset name]` which can be
# used as input to the summarization model to obtain uncontrolled summaries
python scripts/ [dataset name] \
		--split test \
		--mode process_tagger_prediction \
		--tag-pred [the tagger prediction file path, named as test_predictions.txt] \
		--threshold [confidence threshold] \
		--maximum-word [maximum number of keywords] \
		--summary-size [number of sentences from which to identify keywords]


We report ROUGE scores and BERTScore in the paper. The ROUGE scores in the paper are computed using files2rouge which is a wrapper of a wrapper of the original ROUGE perl scripts. Please refer to scripts/ for our evaluation script:

# you will need the Stanford corenlp java toolkit to run this, we use it for tokenization
# this script computes ROUGE and (optionally) BERTScore.
bash scripts/ -g [GPUs] -s [source file name, NOT full path] -d [dataset] -p [ctrlsum checkpoint directory]


title={{\{}CTRL{\}}sum: Towards Generic Controllable Text Summarization},
author={He, Junxian and Kry{\'s}ci{\'n}ski, Wojciech and McCann, Bryan and Rajani, Nazneen and Xiong, Caiming},


Resources for the "CTRLsum: Towards Generic Controllable Text Summarization" paper




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