It is a Pytorch implementation for abstractive text summarization model using BERT as encoder and transformer decoder as decoder. It tries to use bert encoder in generative tasks. The Pytorch Bert implementation is brought from pytorch-pretrained-BERT and Transformer implementaion form attention-is-all-you-need-pytorch. It has been tested on LCSTS Chinese dataset and achieved good results.
We use LCSTS dataset for Chinese task. If you also use this dataset, you can just download the original data into data/raw_data and run If you use other data set, you should process the dataset into following csv format. Every line stands for one entry in index, summarization, source order.
You should download the BERT pretrained model yourself into pretrained_model/ directory. The organization should like this
├── bert_config.json
├── pytorch_model.bin
└── vocab.txt
See the pytorch-pretrained-BERT repo for details.
For training, just run, there are 2 parameters that you have to specify.
You have to designate your data directory and it must contains train.csv. If eval.csv is not in the same directory, not evaluation will be carried out during the training.
Also, you must designate your bert pretrained model directory.
The rest are optional.
parameter allows you to choose which GPU to use.
designate the directory where the model is saved into. If it is not designated, no model will be saved
There are also other optional parameters that you can change. You can refer to Detailed description for each parameter is on the top of the file.
For evaluation, just run
It is mostly the same as, but you have to specify 5 required parameters.
The path to trained model for evaluation.
The path to configuration file. Default is inside the model_path.
The path to evaluation data path.
The path to bert pretrained model.
The path where you save your results.
For online testing, run The same as evaluation, you have to specify --model_path
, --config_path
and --bert_model
. Besides, you can also specify which address to listen to by specifying --address
(default is and which port to set up your service by --port
(default is 8080).
To use this feature, you should POST your JSON-formatted data to address:port/summarization
. The data should contain 'text' key where you put the source text you want to summarize. An example may like this
curl -X POST -H "Content-type: application/json" -d '{"text":"美国商务部官方网站5月20日发布:给华为及其合作伙伴90天的临时许可。该发布称,这项安排是为了给相关部门和公司提供进行调整的时间。"}' localhost:8080/summarization