Discover when artists post new work
Usage: newwork <command> [options]
<default> Run 'newwork serve'
serve Scrape, update, and serve a new-work page
build Scrape, update, and save a new-work page to disk
add [url] Add an URL to your list of sites
remove [url] Remove an URL from your list of sites
list List all sites in your new-work page
Available options:
-i, --input <filename> Input YAML file [default: sites.yaml]
-o, --output <filename> Output HTML file [default: sites.html]
-l, --lockfile <filename> Lockfile location [default: sites.lock]
-p, --port=<n> Bind 'newwork serve' to a port [default: 3030]
-h, --help Print usage
$ npm install new-work