Within a 24 hour timeframe, our team augmented a skateboard with hardware peripherals that guide the rider to a destination. We integrated the FourSquare API to retrieve our end goal, and used real-time GPS data to calculate the user's necessary direction. The direction is converted to a lightstrip pattern for the user's discretion.
Our board utilizes Twilio Programmable Wireless for data connectivity.
- User turns on skateboard hardware using a slider switch.
- User opens our app on their phone.
- User enters a location query (e.g. Ramen, In-and-Out, Target, etc.)
- A request to the FourSquare API fetches the nearest location that fits the input query.
- Skateboard lights up, with a compass underglow.
- As the user rides, the compass continually adjusts in real-time to direct the user to their chosen location.
- FourSquare integration
- IoT Wifi / Twilio SMS+Data
- Oh yeah, and it lights up
- C++
- Node.js
- Vanilla HTML/CSS/JS
© 2018 Ryan Jacobs, Chi Wong, David James, Srivishnu Ramamurthi, and Alex Chen