Tags: rwliang/hound
Add Jest tests and Prettier support (hound-search#343) This commit adds support for Jest and writes a few simple tests as proof. Adding a test is as easy as adding a file that ends in `.test.js` next to the file you want to test. Any file that matches that pattern should have access to Jest functions. The whole test suite can be run with `npm run test`. I also added support for Prettier. Running `npm run format` should run Prettier on any staged changes. I thought about adding Husky to automatically run Prettier as a pre-commit hook, but it seems as though Husky requires git v2.13 which would require me upgrading Git. I didn't add support for ESLint yet since I figured that may be a slightly more involved conversation — Prettier seems to be generally uncontroverical and is generally only slightly configurable, whereas ESlint is highly configurable and behaves however we want it to.
Fixing some of the 404s with SSH style repo URLs (see hound-search#19)