Tracking Issue for Transmutability Trait: #[transmutability]
Feature gate: #![feature(transmutability)]
This is a tracking issue for MCP411: Lang Item for Transmutability. The MCP defines an experimental, compiler-implemented trait that can be used to audit whether a particular transmutation (or other form of bit-reinterpretation cast) is safe.
At this time, this feature is NOT on track to stabilization. It has been specified in an MCP, not an RFC, and will likely require an RFC to be tracked for stabilization.
Public API
The public API of this feature (which may have evolved since this issue's last update), is roughly as follows:
pub unsafe trait TransmuteFrom<Src, const ASSUME: Assume = { Assume::NOTHING }>
Src: ?Sized,
unsafe fn transmute(src: Src) -> Self
Src: Sized,
Self: Sized,
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Assume {
pub alignment: bool,
pub lifetimes: bool,
pub safety: bool,
pub validity: bool,
impl Assume {
pub const NOTHING: Self =
Self { alignment: false, lifetimes: false, safety: false, validity: false };
pub const ALIGNMENT: Self = Self { alignment: true, ..Self::NOTHING };
pub const LIFETIMES: Self = Self { lifetimes: true, ..Self::NOTHING };
pub const SAFETY: Self = Self { safety: true, ..Self::NOTHING };
pub const VALIDITY: Self = Self { validity: true, ..Self::NOTHING };
pub const fn and(self, other_assumptions: Self) -> Self { ... }
pub const fn but_not(self, other_assumptions: Self) -> Self { ... }
Steps / History
- MCP: Lang Item for Transmutability compiler-team#411
- Implementation:
- RFC: #...
- Final comment period (FCP)1
- Stabilization PR
Unresolved Questions
Virtually all aspects of this experimental feature are unresolved.
- What can we transmute to and from a union?
- Naming of fields:
- What kind of transmute to model?
- Is the transmute-via-union example fully specified?