This is a simple control interface for rspamd spam filtering system. It provides basic functions for setting metric actions, scores, viewing statistic and learning.
It is required to configure dynamic settings to store configured values. Basically this can be done by providing the following line in options settings:
options {
dynamic_conf = "/var/lib/rspamd/rspamd_dynamic";
Please note that this path must have write access for rspamd user.
Then controller worker should be configured:
worker {
type = "controller";
bind_socket = "localhost:11334";
count = 1;
# Password for normal commands (use rspamadm pw)
password = "$2$anydoddx67ggcs74owybhcwqsq3z67q4$udympbo8pfcfqkeiiuj7gegabk5jpt8edmhseujhar9ooyuzig5b";
# Password for privileged commands (use rspamadm pw)
enable_password = "$2$nx6sqkxtewx9c5s3hxjmabaxdcr46pk9$45qajkbyqx77abapiqugpjpsojj38zcqn7xnp3ekqyu674koux4b";
# Path to webiu static files
static_dir = "${WWWDIR}";
Password option should be changed for sure for your specific configuration. Encrypted password using is encouraged (rspamadm pw --encrypt
Interface itself is written in pure HTML5/js and, hence, it requires zero setup. Just enter a password for webui access and you are ready.
Rspamd interface is distributed under the terms of MIT license. For all questions related to this product please see the support page