These are the config files to set up a system just the way I like it. It uses Oh My ZSH.
I am running on Mac OS X, but it will likely work on linux as well.
Run the following commands in your terminal. It will prompt you before it does anything destructive. Check out the Rakefile to see exactly what it does.
git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake install
vim -u ~/.vimrc +BundleInstall +qall
After installing, open a new terminal window to see the effects.
Currently the oh-my-zsh plugin only includes a couple of aliases and a clean prompt theme. The most work has gone into customizing vim.
To remove the dofile configs, run the following commands. Be certain to double ckeck the contents of the files before removing so you don't lose custom settings.
unlink ~/.gitignore
unlink ~/.gemrc
unlink ~/.gvimrc
unlink ~/.ackrc
unlink ~/.bin
unlink ~/.gemrc
unlink ~/.gitignore
unlink ~/.gvimrc
unlink ~/.railsrc
unlink ~/.vim
unlink ~/.vimrc
unlink ~/.zshrc
rm ~/.gitconfig
rm -rf ~/.oh-my-zsh
Then open a new terminal window to see the effects
Rakefile and how to setup oh-my-zsh is copied from Ryan Bates