Database management system (DBMS) using Bash-Script A simple queries to handel Database Management System using bash shell scripting that handles CRUD operations.
How to interact with our database query engine .
1- get the repo on your machine
- clone our repo
git clone
- or download the source code.
2- add the folder of the source code to your environment variable path on your ~/.bashrc
- To open your _bashrc+ file
vi ~/.bashrc
code ~/.bashrc
- and then append the folder dir to your path environment variables
base=[project directory or path on your machine]
- Create DB
create database
and then enter database name - Connect DB
connect database_name
. - Drop DB
drop database_name
- List All DB
list databases
- Create Table
create table table_name
- Insert into Table
insert into table_name
- Select from Table
select all from table_name
- Update Table
update table table_name
- List All Tables for the current connected database
list tables
- Delete from Table
drop tables table_name
- Drop Table
drop table_name
create database database_name
After executing create database command a folder in your path directory will be created.
connect database_name
On connecting to a non-existent database, you will get this error message.
it doesn't exist!
- Create Table
- List Tables
- Insert into Table
- Select From Table
- Update Table
- Drop Table
You must enter the number of columns, spesify column name for each column as well as column data type ,by default the first column will be the Primay Key(PK) with data type as int. to create a new table, you need to first connect to a database
create table table_name
error massage for not connecting to database
you need to connect to a database first
insert into table_name
- After executing the previous command you will get the table's columns' name.
- You must enter data for all columns with a valid data as well as a matched data type for eac column.
select all from table_name
update table table_name
- After executing the previous command you will get the table's columns' name along with its data types
- You'll be asked about the number of pk ,row number , of the record that you need to change its data.
- And then you'll be asked about the column name and the value tha you need to change.
- The new Updated value must be a valid data and with a mutched data type for the spesified column.
Error massage for a not valid data type
not a valid column type