is an R package that provides a complete and consistent toolkit
to process the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ), a quantitative
and validated method to assess peoples’ sleep behavior presented by Till
Roenneberg, Anna Wirz-Justice, and Martha Merrow in
2003. The aim of mctq
to facilitate the work of sleep and chronobiology scientists with MCTQ
data while also helping with research reproducibility.
This package is currently under a software peer-review by the rOpenSci initiative. We plan to submit it to CRAN soon after the review process ends.
Learn more about the MCTQ questionnaire at
Although it may look like a simple questionnaire, MCTQ requires a lot of
date/time manipulation. This poses a challenge for many scientists,
being that most people have difficulties with date/time data, especially
when dealing with an extensive set of data. The mctq
package comes to
address this issue.
can handle the processing tasks for the three MCTQ versions
(standard, micro, and shift) with few dependencies, relying much of its
applications on the lubridate and
hms packages from
tidyverse. We also designed mctq
the user experience in mind, by creating an interface that resembles the
way the questionnaire data is shown in MCTQ publications, and by
providing extensive and detailed documentation about each computation
proposed by the MCTQ authors. The package also includes several utility
tools to deal with different time representations (e.g., decimal hours,
radians) and time arithmetic issues, along with fictional datasets for
testing and learning purposes.
You only need to have some familiarity with the R programming
language to use the mctq
main functions.
In case you don’t feel comfortable with R, we strongly recommend checking Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund free and online book R for Data Science and the Coursera course from John Hopkins University Data Science: Foundations using R (free for audit students).
The first stable mctq
version is already out, we’re just waiting for
the software
peer-review to
promote it to the public. We hope that it will be available on
CRAN soon. Until that moment comes, you
can install it from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
remotes::install_github("gipsousp/mctq", dependencies = TRUE)
works with a set of object classes specially created to hold time
values. These classes can be found in the
lubridate and
hms packages from
tidyverse. If your data do not
conform to the object classes required, you can use mctq
function to convert it.
Here are some examples of how to convert your data using convert()
# From decimal hours to `hms`
convert(6.5, "hms", input_unit = "H")
#> 06:30:00
# From radians to `Duration`
convert(1.308997, "Duration", input_unit = "rad")
#> [1] "18000s (~5 hours)"
# From radians to decimal minutes
convert(0.2617994, "numeric", input_unit = "rad", output_unit = "M")
#> [1] 60
# From `character` `HMS` to `Duration`
convert("19:55:17", "Duration", orders = "HMS")
#> [1] "71717s (~19.92 hours)"
# From `character` `HM AM/PM ` to `hms`
convert("10:00 PM", "hms", orders = "IMp")
#> 22:00:00
After your data is set to start, just use the mctq
functions below to
process it.
Note that the mctq
functions uses a similar naming scheme to that used
in the MCTQ publications. That makes it easy to find and apply any
computation necessary.
: compute MCTQ work-free daysso()
: compute MCTQ local time of sleep onsetgu()
: compute MCTQ local time of getting out of bedsd()
: compute MCTQ sleep durationtbt()
: compute MCTQ total time in bedms()
: compute MCTQ local time of mid-sleepnapd()
: compute MCTQ nap duration (only for MCTQ Shift)sd24()
: compute MCTQ 24 hours sleep duration (only for MCTQ Shift)
# Local time of preparing to sleep on workdays
sprep_w <- c(hms::parse_hms("23:45:00"), hms::parse_hms("02:15:00"))
# Sleep latency or time to fall asleep after preparing to sleep on workdays
slat_w <- c(lubridate::dminutes(30), lubridate::dminutes(90))
# Local time of sleep onset on workdays
so(sprep_w, slat_w)
#> 00:15:00
#> 03:45:00
For computations combining workdays and work-free days, use:
: compute MCTQ average weekly sleep durationsd_overall()
: compute MCTQ overall sleep duration (only for MCTQ Shift)sloss_week()
: compute MCTQ weekly sleep lossle_week()
: compute MCTQ average weekly light exposuremsf_sc()
: compute MCTQ chronotype or corrected local time of mid-sleep on work-free dayssjl_rel()
: compute MCTQ social jet lagsjl_weighted()
: compute MCTQ absolute social jetlag across all shifts (only for MCTQ Shift)
# Local time of mid-sleep on workdays
msw <- c(hms::parse_hms("02:05:00"), hms::parse_hms("04:05:00"))
# Local time of mid-sleep on work-free days
msf <- c(hms::parse_hms("23:05:00"), hms::parse_hms("08:30:00"))
# Relative social jetlag
sjl_rel(msw, msf)
#> [1] "-10800s (~-3 hours)" "15900s (~4.42 hours)"
See a quick tour of all MCTQ main functions here.
In addition to convert()
, mctq
is also equipped with many other
utility functions. The package also provides fictional datasets of the
standard, micro, and shift MCTQ versions for testing and learning
All functions are well documented, showing all the guidelines behind the computations. Click here to see a list of them.
If you use mctq
in your research, please consider citing it. We put a
lot of work to build and maintain a free and open-source R package. You
can find the mctq
citation below.
#> To cite mctq in publications use:
#> Vartanian, D., Benedito-Silva, A. A., Pedrazzoli, M. (2021). mctq: An
#> R package for the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire. Retrieved from
#> A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is
#> @Unpublished{,
#> title = {mctq: An R package for the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire},
#> author = {Daniel Vartanian and Ana Amelia Benedito-Silva and Mario Pedrazzoli},
#> year = {2021},
#> url = {},
#> note = {Lifecycle: maturing},
#> }
is a community project, everyone is welcome to contribute. Take a
moment to review our Guidelines for
Please note that mctq
is released with a Contributor Code of
Conduct. By
contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.