A set of useful functions for day-to-day python datascience project.
A few modules who work together to automatize some routine meet each day on a jr_data_science project.
- decouverte.py :
Some functions to find informations around the files you are given. You would find here some functions about paths, cleaning paths, and header extracts.
- extra_pandas.py :
Never dreamed of a panda function able to convert anykind of time-encoded column ? Well, I didn't do it :-/ but I collected a rather long list of type of string I found on my way, and put it on one bigger-and-bigger convert-date columns ;)
- useful_functions.py:
How to get all the csvs under a dir ? How to compile a multi-worksheet excel file into one big csv ? Here you have some tool to do so !
import pandas as pd import os from collections import Counter import numpy as np;
import seaborn as sns; import matplotlib.dates as mdates import random from functools import reduce
np.random.seed(0) sns.set() %matplotlib inline sns.set_style("white") sns.set_palette("husl")