- As of 17th October 2022 the Rolling Rhino Remix project has decided to discontinue Rolling Rhino Remix in favour of its successor distribution, Rhino Linux. Rhino Linux will polish out a lot of issues that are currently present within the distribution and introduce new features. You can find the Rhino Linux website, socials and more information here.
Website: https://rollingrhino.org
Rolling Rhino Remix is an un-official Ubuntu flavour which converts the Ubuntu operating system into a rolling release Linux distribution by tracking the devel series. A rolling release distribution is a Linux distribution which recieves continuous package updates, and as such there is no major update (unlike Ubuntu's current release model where there is clear progression between versions). A rolling release model offers new and experienced users a new way to utilise their desktop PC, without the hassle of major upgrades.
You are able to donate to the project here via Liberapay.
- RRR-builder - RRR-builder is used for the creation of Rolling Rhino Remix disk images. Automated through GitHub actions.
- rhino-update - Rhino Update is a command-line utility script which will provide updates to items that do not hit the Ubuntu devel repositories, such as the latest Linux Kernel.
- rhino-config - Rhino Config is a command-line utility that allows you to configure Rhino, our utility tool that allows you to upgrade the distribution. You will be able to configure Rhino to download and install the latest Linux kernel, proprietary drivers and more!
- rhino-deinst - rhino-deinst is a command-line utility script which provides a Terminal User Interface to install desktop environments on Rolling Rhino Remix + Ubuntu-based systems.
- assets - This repository is a collection of assets and scripts used in the creation of Rolling Rhino Remix.
- rollingrhinoremix.github.io - This is the official repository for the Rolling Rhino Remix. Rolling Rhino Remix is an un-official Ubuntu flavour which converts the Ubuntu operating system into a rolling release Linux distribution by tracking the devel series.
- docs - A GitHub repository for the documentation of Rolling Rhino Remix, all documentation can be found on our Wiki tab.
You are able to find the contact information for us on our website here: https://rollingrhino.org/contact
Rolling Rhino Remix was made with love by all of our developers & contributors, and a large thank you to Martin Wimpress who's Rolling Rhino script has inspired the development of this distribution. We would also like to thank Martin for his permission to use the name "Rolling Rhino Remix".
- Ubuntu and Canonical are registered trademarks of Canonical Ltd. Rolling Rhino Remix is not affiliated with the Ubuntu Project.
- Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds.