Python and Node applications for a simple example using Apache Kafka
Please check the official Apache Kafka installation guide before you start. Official Documentation
For building and running the application you need:
Clone the repository
git clone
Switch to the repo folder
cd cp-docker-images/examples/kafka-single-node
Setting up docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
Looking at the logs you can verify if that services are working as expected
docker-compose ps
docker-compose logs zookeeper | grep -i binding
docker-compose logs kafka | grep -i started
Generate afka-python-topic topic on Kafka
docker-compose exec kafka \
kafka-topics --create --topic kafka-python-topic --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1 --if-not-exists --zookeeper zookeeper:2181
Install node modules in consumer application
yarn install
Install python modules in producer application
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the local producer server
You can now access consumers, open each of consumers in different terminals
node consumer-avg.js
node consumer-sum.js