(PR welcome!)
Optimizing Neural Networks with Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature [paper]
- James Martens, Roger Grosse.
- 2015
We propose an efficient method for approximating natural gradient descent in neural networks which we call Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC). K-FAC is based on an efficiently invertible approximation of a neural network's Fisher information matrix which is neither diagonal nor low-rank, and in some cases is completely non-sparse. It is derived by approximating various large blocks of the Fisher (corresponding to entire layers) as being the Kronecker product of two much smaller matrices. While only several times more expensive to compute than the plain stochastic gradient, the updates produced by K-FAC make much more progress optimizing the objective, which results in an algorithm that can be much faster than stochastic gradient descent with momentum in practice. And unlike some previously proposed approximate natural-gradient/Newton methods which use high-quality non-diagonal curvature matrices (such as Hessian-free optimization), K-FAC works very well in highly stochastic optimization regimes. This is because the cost of storing and inverting K-FAC's approximation to the curvature matrix does not depend on the amount of data used to estimate it, which is a feature typically associated only with diagonal or low-rank approximations to the curvature matrix.
A Kronecker-factored approximate Fisher matrix for convolution layers [paper]
- Roger Grosse, James Martens.
- 2016
Second-order optimization methods such as natural gradient descent have the potential to speed up training of neural networks by correcting for the curvature of the loss function. Unfortunately, the exact natural gradient is impractical to compute for large models, and most approximations either require an expensive iterative procedure or make crude approximations to the curvature. We present Kronecker Factors for Convolution (KFC), a tractable approximation to the Fisher matrix for convolutional networks based on a structured probabilistic model for the distribution over backpropagated derivatives. Similarly to the recently proposed Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC), each block of the approximate Fisher matrix decomposes as the Kronecker product of small matrices, allowing for efficient inversion. KFC captures important curvature information while still yielding comparably efficient updates to stochastic gradient descent (SGD). We show that the updates are invariant to commonly used reparameterizations, such as centering of the activations. In our experiments, approximate natural gradient descent with KFC was able to train convolutional networks several times faster than carefully tuned SGD. Furthermore, it was able to train the networks in 10-20 times fewer iterations than SGD, suggesting its potential applicability in a distributed setting.
Scalable trust-region method for deep reinforcement learning using Kronecker-factored approximation [paper]
- Yuhuai Wu, Elman Mansimov, Roger B. Grosse, Shun Liao, Jimmy Ba.
- 2017
In this work, we propose to apply trust region optimization to deep reinforcement learning using a recently proposed Kronecker-factored approximation to the curvature. We extend the framework of natural policy gradient and propose to optimize both the actor and the critic using Kronecker-factored approximate curvature (K-FAC) with trust region; hence we call our method Actor Critic using Kronecker-Factored Trust Region (ACKTR). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first scalable trust region natural gradient method for actor-critic methods. It is also the method that learns non-trivial tasks in continuous control as well as discrete control policies directly from raw pixel inputs. We tested our approach across discrete domains in Atari games as well as continuous domains in the MuJoCo environment. With the proposed methods, we are able to achieve higher rewards and a 2- to 3-fold improvement in sample efficiency on average, compared to previous state-of-the-art on-policy actor-critic methods. Code is available at https://github.com/openai/baselines
Kronecker-factored Curvature Approximations for Recurrent Neural Networks [paper]
- James Martens, Jimmy Ba, Matt Johnson.
- 2018
Kronecker-factor Approximate Curvature (Martens & Grosse, 2015) (K-FAC) is a 2nd-order optimization method which has been shown to give state-of-the-art performance on large-scale neural network optimization tasks (Ba et al., 2017). It is based on an approximation to the Fisher information matrix (FIM) that makes assumptions about the particular structure of the network and the way it is parameterized. The original K-FAC method was applicable only to fully-connected networks, although it has been recently extended by Grosse & Martens (2016) to handle convolutional networks as well. In this work we extend the method to handle RNNs by introducing a novel approximation to the FIM for RNNs. This approximation works by modelling the covariance structure between the gradient contributions at different time-steps using a chain-structured linear Gaussian graphical model, summing the various cross-covariances, and computing the inverse in closed form. We demonstrate in experiments that our method significantly outperforms general purpose state-of-the-art optimizers like SGD with momentum and Adam on several challenging RNN training tasks.
Fast Approximate Natural Gradient Descent in a Kronecker-factored Eigenbasis [paper]
- Thomas George, César Laurent, Xavier Bouthillier, Nicolas Ballas, Pascal Vincent.
- 2018
Optimization algorithms that leverage gradient covariance information, such as variants of natural gradient descent (Amari, 1998), offer the prospect of yielding more effective descent directions. For models with many parameters, the covariance matrix they are based on becomes gigantic, making them inapplicable in their original form. This has motivated research into both simple diagonal approximations and more sophisticated factored approximations such as KFAC (Heskes, 2000; Martens & Grosse, 2015; Grosse & Martens, 2016). In the present work we draw inspiration from both to propose a novel approximation that is provably better than KFAC and amendable to cheap partial updates. It consists in tracking a diagonal variance, not in parameter coordinates, but in a Kronecker-factored eigenbasis, in which the diagonal approximation is likely to be more effective. Experiments show improvements over KFAC in optimization speed for several deep network architectures.
Eigenvalue-corrected Natural Gradient Based on a New Approximation [paper]
- Kai-Xin Gao, Xiao-Lei Liu, Zheng-Hai Huang, Min Wang, Shuangling Wang, Zidong Wang, Dachuan Xu, Fan Yu.
- 2020
Using second-order optimization methods for training deep neural networks (DNNs) has attracted many researchers. A recently proposed method, Eigenvalue-corrected Kronecker Factorization (EKFAC) (George et al., 2018), proposes an interpretation of viewing natural gradient update as a diagonal method, and corrects the inaccurate re-scaling factor in the Kronecker-factored eigenbasis. Gao et al. (2020) considers a new approximation to the natural gradient, which approximates the Fisher information matrix (FIM) to a constant multiplied by the Kronecker product of two matrices and keeps the trace equal before and after the approximation. In this work, we combine the ideas of these two methods and propose Trace-restricted Eigenvalue-corrected Kronecker Factorization (TEKFAC). The proposed method not only corrects the inexact re-scaling factor under the Kronecker-factored eigenbasis, but also considers the new approximation method and the effective damping technique proposed in Gao et al. (2020). We also discuss the differences and relationships among the Kronecker-factored approximations. Empirically, our method outperforms SGD with momentum, Adam, EKFAC and TKFAC on several DNNs.
Optimization of Graph Neural Networks with Natural Gradient Descent [paper]
- Mohammad Rasool Izadi, Yihao Fang, Robert Stevenson, Lizhen Lin
- 2020
In this work, we propose to employ information-geometric tools to optimize a graph neural network architecture such as the graph convolutional networks. More specifically, we develop optimization algorithms for the graph-based semi-supervised learning by employing the natural gradient information in the optimization process. This allows us to efficiently exploit the geometry of the underlying statistical model or parameter space for optimization and inference. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that has utilized the natural gradient for the optimization of graph neural networks that can be extended to other semi-supervised problems. Efficient computations algorithms are developed and extensive nu.
SKFAC: Training Neural Networks with Faster Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature [paper]
- Zedong Tang; Fenlong Jiang; Maoguo Gong; Hao Li; Yue Wu; Fan Yu; Zidong Wang; Min Wang.
- 2021
The bottleneck of computation burden limits the widespread use of the 2nd order optimization algorithms for training deep neural networks. In this paper, we present a computationally efficient approximation for natural gradient descent, named Swift Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (SKFAC), which combines Kronecker factorization and a fast low-rank matrix inversion technique. Our research aims at both fully connected and convolutional layers. For the fully connected layers, by utilizing the low-rank property of Kronecker factors of Fisher information matrix, our method only requires inverting a small matrix to approximate the curvature with desirable accuracy. For convolutional layers, we propose a way with two strategies to save computational efforts without affecting the empirical performance by reducing across the spatial dimension or receptive fields of feature maps. Specifically, we propose two effective dimension reduction methods for this purpose: Spatial Subsampling and Reduce Sum. Experimental results of training several deep neural networks on Cifar-10 and ImageNet-1k datasets demonstrate that SKFAC can capture the main curvature and yield comparative performance to K-FAC. The proposed method bridges the wall-clock time gap between the 1st and 2nd order algorithms.
M-FAC: Efficient Matrix-Free Approximations of Second-Order Information [paper]
- Elias Frantar, Eldar Kurtic, Dan Alistarh.
- 2021
Efficiently approximating local curvature information of the loss function is a key tool for optimization and compression of deep neural networks. Yet, most existing methods to approximate second-order information have high computational or storage costs, which can limit their practicality. In this work, we investigate matrix-free, linear-time approaches for estimating Inverse-Hessian Vector Products (IHVPs) for the case when the Hessian can be approximated as a sum of rank-one matrices, as in the classic approximation of the Hessian by the empirical Fisher matrix. We propose two new algorithms as part of a framework called M-FAC: the first algorithm is tailored towards network compression and can compute the IHVP for dimension d, if the Hessian is given as a sum of m rank-one matrices, using O(dm2) precomputation, O(dm) cost for computing the IHVP, and query cost O(m) for any single element of the inverse Hessian. The second algorithm targets an optimization setting, where we wish to compute the product between the inverse Hessian, estimated over a sliding window of optimization steps, and a given gradient direction, as required for preconditioned SGD. We give an algorithm with cost O(dm+m2) for computing the IHVP and O(dm+m3) for adding or removing any gradient from the sliding window. These two algorithms yield state-of-the-art results for network pruning and optimization with lower computational overhead relative to existing second-order methods. Implementations are available at [9] and [17].
LocoProp: Enhancing BackProp via Local Loss Optimization [paper]
- Ehsan Amid, Rohan Anil, Manfred K. Warmuth.
- 2021
Second-order methods have shown state-of-the-art performance for optimizing deep neural networks. Nonetheless, their large memory requirement and high computational complexity, compared to first-order methods, hinder their versatility in a typical low-budget setup. This paper introduces a general framework of layerwise loss construction for multilayer neural networks that achieves a performance closer to second-order methods while utilizing first-order optimizers only. Our methodology lies upon a three-component loss, target, and regularizer combination, for which altering each component results in a new update rule. We provide examples using squared loss and layerwise Bregman divergences induced by the convex integral functions of various transfer functions. Our experiments on benchmark models and datasets validate the efficacy of our new approach, reducing the gap between first-order and second-order optimizers.
THOR, Trace-based Hardware-driven Layer-Oriented Natural Gradient Descent Computation [paper]
- Mengyun Chen, Kai-Xin Gao, Xiaolei Liu, Zidong Wang, Ningxi Ni, Qian Zhang, Lei Chen, Chao Ding, Zheng-Hai Huang, Min Wang, Shuangling Wang, Fei Yu, Xinyuan Zhao, Dachuan Xu.
- 2021
It is well-known that second-order optimizer can accelerate the training of deep neural networks, however, the huge computation cost of second-order optimization makes it impractical to apply in real practice. In order to reduce the cost, many methods have been proposed to approximate a second-order matrix. Inspired by KFAC, we propose a novel Trace-based Hardware-driven layer-ORiented Natural Gradient Descent Computation method, called THOR, to make the second-order optimization applicable in the real application models. Specifically, we gradually increase the update interval and use the matrix trace to determine which blocks of Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) need to be updated. Moreover, by resorting the power of hardware, we have designed a Hardware-driven approximation method for computing FIM to achieve better performance. To demonstrate the effectiveness of THOR, we have conducted extensive experiments. The results show that training ResNet-50 on ImageNet with THOR only takes 66.7 minutes to achieve a top-1 accuracy of 75.9 % under an 8 Ascend 910 environment with MindSpore, a new deep learning computing framework. Moreover, with more computational resources, THOR can only takes 2.7 minutes to 75.9 % with 256 Ascend 910.
Gradient Descent on Neurons and its Link to Approximate Second-Order Optimization [paper]
- Frederik Benzing.
- 2022
Second-order optimizers are thought to hold the potential to speed up neural network training, but due to the enormous size of the curvature matrix, they typically require approximations to be computationally tractable. The most successful family of approximations are Kronecker-Factored, block-diagonal curvature estimates (KFAC). Here, we combine tools from prior work to evaluate exact second-order updates with careful ablations to establish a surprising result: Due to its approximations, KFAC is not closely related to second-order updates, and in particular, it significantly outperforms true second-order updates. This challenges widely held believes and immediately raises the question why KFAC performs so well. Towards answering this question we present evidence strongly suggesting that KFAC approximates a first-order algorithm, which performs gradient descent on neurons rather than weights. Finally, we show that this optimizer often improves over KFAC in terms of computational cost and data-efficiency.
Eva: A General Vectorized Approximation Framework for Second-order Optimization [paper]
- Lin Zhang, Shaohuai Shi, Bo Li.
- 2022
Second-order optimization algorithms exhibit excellent convergence properties for training deep learning models, but often incur significant computation and memory overheads. This can result in lower training efficiency than the first-order counterparts such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD). In this work, we present a memory- and time-efficient second-order algorithm named Eva with two novel techniques: 1) we construct the second-order information with the Kronecker factorization of small stochastic vectors over a mini-batch of training data to reduce memory consumption, and 2) we derive an efficient update formula without explicitly computing the inverse of matrices using the Sherman-Morrison formula. We further extend Eva to a general vectorized approximation framework to improve the compute and memory efficiency of two existing second-order algorithms (FOOF and Shampoo) without affecting their convergence performance. Extensive experimental results on different models and datasets show that Eva reduces the end-to-end training time up to 2.05x and 2.42x compared to first-order SGD and second-order algorithms (K-FAC and Shampoo), respectively.
HyLo: a hybrid low-rank natural gradient descent method [paper]
- Baorun Mu, Saeed Soori, Bugra Can, M. Gürbüzbalaban, M. Dehnavi.
- 2022
This work presents a Hybrid Low-Rank Natural Gradient Descent method, called HyLo, that accelerates the training time of deep neural networks. Natural gradient descent (NGD) requires computing the inverse of the Fisher information matrix (FIM), which is typically expensive at large-scale. Kronecker factorization methods such as KFAC attempt to improve NGD's running time by approximating the FIM with Kronecker factors. However, the size of Kronecker factors increases quadratically as the model size grows. Instead, in HyLo, we use the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury variant of NGD (SNGD) and propose a reformulation of SNGD to resolve its scalability issues. HyLo uses a computationally-efficient low-rank factorization to achieve superior timing for Fisher inverses. We evaluate HyLo on large models including ResNet-50, U-Net, and ResNet-32 on up to 64 GPUs. HyLo converges 1.4×-2.1× faster than the state-of-the-art distributed implementation of KFAC and reduces the computation and communication time up to 350× and 10.7× on ResNet-50.
MKOR: Momentum-Enabled Kronecker-Factor-Based Optimizer Using Rank-1 Updates [paper]
- Mohammad Mozaffari, Sikan Li, Zhao Zhang, Maryam Mehri Dehnavi.
- 2023
This work proposes a Momentum-Enabled Kronecker-Factor-Based Optimizer Using Rank-1 updates, called MKOR, that improves the training time and convergence properties of deep neural networks (DNNs). Second-order techniques, while enjoying higher convergence rates vs first-order counterparts, have cubic complexity with respect to either the model size and/or the training batch size. Hence they exhibit poor scalability and performance in transformer models, e.g. large language models (LLMs), because the batch sizes in these models scale by the attention mechanism sequence length, leading to large model size and batch sizes. MKOR's complexity is quadratic with respect to the model size, alleviating the computation bottlenecks in second-order methods. Because of their high computation complexity, state-of-the-art implementations of second-order methods can only afford to update the second order information infrequently, and thus do not fully exploit the promise of better convergence from these updates. By reducing the communication complexity of the second-order updates as well as achieving a linear communication complexity, MKOR increases the frequency of second order updates. We also propose a hybrid version of MKOR (called MKOR-H) that mid-training falls backs to a first order optimizer if the second order updates no longer accelerate convergence. Our experiments show that MKOR outperforms state -of-the-art first order methods, e.g. the LAMB optimizer, and best implementations of second-order methods, i.e. KAISA/KFAC, up to 2.57x and 1.85x respectively on BERT-Large-Uncased on 64 GPUs.
Distributed Second-Order Optimization using Kronecker-Factored Approximations [paper]
- Jimmy Ba, Roger Grosse, James Martens
- 2017
As more computational resources become available, machine learning researchers train ever larger neural networks on millions of data points using stochastic gradient descent (SGD). Although SGD scales well in terms of both the size of dataset and the number of parameters of the model, it has rapidly diminishing returns as parallel computing resources increase. Second-order optimization methods have an affinity for well-estimated gradients and large mini-batches, and can therefore benefit much more from parallel computation in principle. Unfortunately, they often employ severe approximations to the curvature matrix in order to scale to large models with millions of parameters, limiting their effectiveness in practice versus well-tuned SGD with momentum. The recently proposed K-FAC method(Martens and Grosse, 2015) uses a stronger and more sophisticated curvature approximation, and has been shown to make much more per-iteration progress than SGD, while only introducing a modest overhead. In this paper, we develop a version of K-FAC that distributes the computation of gradients and additional quantities required by K-FAC across multiple machines, thereby taking advantage of method’s superior scaling to large mini-batches and mitigating its additional overheads. We provide a Tensorflow implementation of our approach which is easy to use and can be applied to many existing codebases without modification. Additionally, we develop several algorithmic enhancements to K-FAC which can improve its computational performance for very large models. Finally, we show that our distributed K-FAC method speeds up training of various state-of-the-art ImageNet classification models by a factor of two compared to Batch Normalization(Ioffe and Szegedy, 2015).
Large-Scale Distributed Second-Order Optimization Using Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks [paper]
- Kazuki Osawa, Yohei Tsuji, Yuichiro Ueno, Akira Naruse, Rio Yokota, Satoshi Matsuoka
- 2018
Large-scale distributed training of deep neural networks suffer from the generalization gap caused by the increase in the effective mini-batch size. Previous approaches try to solve this problem by varying the learning rate and batch size over epochs and layers, or some ad hoc modification of the batch normalization. We propose an alternative approach using a second-order optimization method that shows similar generalization capability to first-order methods, but converges faster and can handle larger mini-batches. To test our method on a benchmark where highly optimized first-order methods are available as references, we train ResNet-50 on ImageNet. We converged to 75% Top-1 validation accuracy in 35 epochs for mini-batch sizes under 16,384, and achieved 75% even with a mini-batch size of 131,072, which took only 978 iterations.
Scalable and Practical Natural Gradient for Large-Scale Deep Learning [paper]
- Kazuki Osawa, Yohei Tsuji, Yuichiro Ueno, Akira Naruse, Chuan-Sheng Foo, Rio Yokota
- 2020
Large-scale distributed training of deep neural networks results in models with worse generalization performance as a result of the increase in the effective mini-batch size. Previous approaches attempt to address this problem by varying the learning rate and batch size over epochs and layers, or ad hoc modifications of batch normalization. We propose Scalable and Practical Natural Gradient Descent (SP-NGD), a principled approach for training models that allows them to attain similar generalization performance to models trained with first-order optimization methods, but with accelerated convergence. Furthermore, SP-NGD scales to large mini-batch sizes with a negligible computational overhead as compared to first-order methods. We evaluated SP-NGD on a benchmark task where highly optimized first-order methods are available as references: training a ResNet-50 model for image classification on ImageNet. We demonstrate convergence to a top-1 validation accuracy of 75.4% in 5.5 minutes using a mini-batch size of 32,768 with 1,024 GPUs, as well as an accuracy of 74.9% with an extremely large mini-batch size of 131,072 in 873 steps of SP-NGD.
Rich Information is Affordable: A Systematic Performance Analysis of Second-order Optimization Using K-FAC [paper]
- Yuichiro Ueno, Kazuki Osawa, Yohei Tsuji, Akira Naruse, Rio Yokota
- 2020
Rich information matrices from first and second-order derivatives have many potential applications in both theoretical and practical problems in deep learning. However, computing these information matrices is extremely expensive and this enormous cost is currently limiting its application to important problems regarding generalization, hyperparameter tuning, and optimization of deep neural networks. One of the most challenging use cases of information matrices is their use as a preconditioner for the optimizers, since the information matrices need to be updated every step. In this work, we conduct a step-by-step performance analysis when computing the Fisher information matrix during training of ResNet-50 on ImageNet, and show that the overhead can be reduced to the same amount as the cost of performing a single SGD step. We also show that the resulting Fisher preconditioned optimizer can converge in 1/3 the number of epochs compared to SGD, while achieving the same Top-1 validation accuracy. This is the first work to achieve such accuracy with K-FAC while reducing the training time to match that of SGD.
Convolutional Neural Network Training with Distributed K-FAC [paper]
- J. Gregory Pauloski, Zhao Zhang, Lei Huang, Weijia Xu, Ian T. Foster
- 2020
Training neural networks with many processors can reduce time-to-solution; however, it is challenging to maintain convergence and efficiency at large scales. The Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC) was recently proposed as an approximation of the Fisher Information Matrix that can be used in natural gradient optimizers. We investigate here a scalable K-FAC design and its applicability in convolutional neural network (CNN) training at scale. We study optimization techniques such as layer-wise distribution strategies, inverse-free second-order gradient evaluation, and dynamic K-FAC update decoupling to reduce training time while preserving convergence. We use residual neural networks (ResNet) applied to the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-1k datasets to evaluate the correctness and scalability of our K-FAC gradient preconditioner. With ResNet-50 on the ImageNet-1k dataset, our distributed K-FAC implementation converges to the 75.9% MLPerf baseline in 18-25% less time than does the classic stochastic gradient descent (SGD) optimizer across scales on a GPU cluster.
A Trace-restricted Kronecker-Factored Approximation to Natural Gradient [paper]
- Kai-Xin Gao, Xiao-Lei Liu, Zheng-Hai Huang, Min Wang, Zidong Wang, Dachuan Xu, Fan Yu
- 2020
Second-order optimization methods have the ability to accelerate convergence by modifying the gradient through the curvature matrix. There have been many attempts to use second-order optimization methods for training deep neural networks. Inspired by diagonal approximations and factored approximations such as Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (KFAC), we propose a new approximation to the Fisher information matrix (FIM) called Trace-restricted Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (TKFAC) in this work, which can hold the certain trace relationship between the exact and the approximate FIM. In TKFAC, we decompose each block of the approximate FIM as a Kronecker product of two smaller matrices and scaled by a coefficient related to trace. We theoretically analyze TKFAC's approximation error and give an upper bound of it. We also propose a new damping technique for TKFAC on convolutional neural networks to maintain the superiority of second-order optimization methods during training. Experiments show that our method has better performance compared with several state-of-the-art algorithms on some deep network architectures.
KAISA: An Adaptive Second-Order Optimizer Framework for Deep Neural Networks [paper]
- J. Gregory Pauloski, Qi Huang, Lei Huang, Shivaram Venkataraman, Kyle Chard, Ian Foster, Zhao Zhang.
- 2021
Kronecker-factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC) has recently been shown to converge faster in deep neural network (DNN) training than stochastic gradient descent (SGD); however, K-FAC's larger memory footprint hinders its applicability to large models. We present KAISA, a K-FAC-enabled, Adaptable, Improved, and ScAlable second-order optimizer framework that adapts the memory footprint, communication, and computation given specific models and hardware to improve performance and increase scalability. We quantify the tradeoffs between memory and communication cost and evaluate KAISA on large models, including ResNet-50, Mask R-CNN, U-Net, and BERT, on up to 128 NVIDIA A100 GPUs. Compared to the original optimizers, KAISA converges 18.1-36.3% faster across applications with the same global batch size. Under a fixed memory budget, KAISA converges 32.5% and 41.6% faster in ResNet-50 and BERT-Large, respectively. KAISA can balance memory and communication to achieve scaling efficiency equal to or better than the baseline optimizers. KAISA is open source and available at this https URL.
Accelerating Distributed K-FAC with Smart Parallelism of Computing and Communication Tasks [paper]
- Shaohuai Shi, Lin Zhang, Bo Li.
- 2021
Distributed training with synchronous stochastic gradient descent (SGD) on GPU clusters has been widely used to accelerate the training process of deep models. However, SGD only utilizes the first-order gradient in model parameter updates, which may take days or weeks. Recent studies have successfully exploited approximate second-order information to speed up the training process, in which the Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (KFAC) emerges as one of the most efficient approximation algorithms for training deep models. Yet, when leveraging GPU clusters to train models with distributed KFAC (D-KFAC), it incurs extensive computation as well as introduces extra communications during each iteration. In this work, we propose D-KFAC (SPD-KFAC) with smart parallelism of computing and communication tasks to reduce the iteration time. Specifically, 1) we first characterize the performance bottlenecks of D-KFAC, 2) we design and implement a pipelining mechanism for Kronecker factors computation and communication with dynamic tensor fusion, and 3) we develop a load balancing placement for inverting multiple matrices on GPU clusters. We conduct real-world experiments on a 64-GPU cluster with 100Gb/s InfiniBand interconnect. Experimental results show that our proposed SPD-KFAC training scheme can achieve 10%-35% improvement over state-of-the-art algorithms.
Communication-Efficient Distributed Optimization with Quantized Preconditioners [paper]
- Foivos Alimisis, Peter Davies, Dan Alistarh.
- 2021
We investigate fast and communication-efficient algorithms for the classic problem of minimizing a sum of strongly convex and smooth functions that are distributed among n different nodes, which can communicate using a limited number of bits. Most previous communication-efficient approaches for this problem are limited to first-order optimization, and therefore have \emph{linear} dependence on the condition number in their communication complexity. We show that this dependence is not inherent: communication-efficient methods can in fact have sublinear dependence on the condition number. For this, we design and analyze the first communication-efficient distributed variants of preconditioned gradient descent for Generalized Linear Models, and for Newton's method. Our results rely on a new technique for quantizing both the preconditioner and the descent direction at each step of the algorithms, while controlling their convergence rate. We also validate our findings experimentally, showing fast convergence and reduced communication.
Scalable K-FAC Training for Deep Neural Networks with Distributed Preconditioning [paper]
- Lin Zhang, Shaohuai Shi, Wei Wang, Bo Li.
- 2022
The second-order optimization methods, notably the D-KFAC (Distributed Kronecker Factored Approximate Curvature) algorithms, have gained traction on accelerating deep neural network (DNN) training on GPU clusters. However, existing D-KFAC algorithms require to compute and communicate a large volume of second-order information, i.e., Kronecker factors (KFs), before preconditioning gradients, resulting in large computation and communication overheads as well as a high memory footprint. In this paper, we propose DP-KFAC, a novel distributed preconditioning scheme that distributes the KF constructing tasks at different DNN layers to different workers. DP-KFAC not only retains the convergence property of the existing D-KFAC algorithms but also enables three benefits: reduced computation overhead in constructing KFs, no communication of KFs, and low memory footprint. Extensive experiments on a 64-GPU cluster show that DP-KFAC reduces the computation overhead by 1.55x-1.65x, the communication cost by 2.79x-3.15x, and the memory footprint by 1.14x-1.47x in each second-order update compared to the state-of-the-art D-KFAC methods.
Efficient Approximations of the Fisher Matrix in Neural Networks using Kronecker Product Singular Value Decomposition [paper]
- Abdoulaye Koroko, Ani Anciaux-Sedrakian, Ibtihel Ben Gharbia, Valérie Garès (IRMAR), Mounir Haddou (IRMAR), Quang Huy Tran.
- 2022
Several studies have shown the ability of natural gradient descent to minimize the objective function more efficiently than ordinary gradient descent based methods. However, the bottleneck of this approach for training deep neural networks lies in the prohibitive cost of solving a large dense linear system corresponding to the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM) at each iteration. This has motivated various approximations of either the exact FIM or the empirical one. The most sophisticated of these is KFAC, which involves a Kronecker-factored block diagonal approximation of the FIM. With only a slight additional cost, a few improvements of KFAC from the standpoint of accuracy are proposed. The common feature of the four novel methods is that they rely on a direct minimization problem, the solution of which can be computed via the Kronecker product singular value decomposition technique. Experimental results on the three standard deep auto-encoder benchmarks showed that they provide more accurate approximations to the FIM. Furthermore, they outperform KFAC and state-of-the-art first-order methods in terms of optimization speed.
PipeFisher: Efficient Training of Large Language Models Using Pipelining and Fisher Information Matrices [paper]
- Kazuki Osawa, Shigang Li, Torsten Hoefler
- 2023
Pipeline parallelism enables efficient training of Large Language Models (LLMs) on large-scale distributed accelerator clusters. Yet, pipeline bubbles during startup and tear-down reduce the utilization of accelerators. Although efficient pipeline schemes with micro-batching and bidirectional pipelines have been proposed to maximize utilization, a significant number of bubbles cannot be filled using synchronous forward and backward passes. To address this problem, we suggest that extra work be assigned to the bubbles to gain auxiliary benefits in LLM training. As an example in this direction, we propose PipeFisher, which assigns the work of K-FAC, a second-order optimization method based on the Fisher information matrix, to the bubbles to accelerate convergence. In Phase 1 pretraining of BERT-Base and -Large models, PipeFisher reduces the (simulated) training time to 50-75% compared to training with a first-order optimizer by greatly improving the accelerator utilization and benefiting from the improved convergence by K-FAC.
Shampoo: Preconditioned Stochastic Tensor Optimization [paper]
- Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Yoram Singer.
- 2018
Preconditioned gradient methods are among the most general and powerful tools in optimization. However, preconditioning requires storing and manipulating prohibitively large matrices. We describe and analyze a new structure-aware preconditioning algorithm, called Shampoo, for stochastic optimization over tensor spaces. Shampoo maintains a set of preconditioning matrices, each of which operates on a single dimension, contracting over the remaining dimensions. We establish convergence guarantees in the stochastic convex setting, the proof of which builds upon matrix trace inequalities. Our experiments with state-of-the-art deep learning models show that Shampoo is capable of converging considerably faster than commonly used optimizers. Although it involves a more complex update rule, Shampoo's runtime per step is comparable to that of simple gradient methods such as SGD, AdaGrad, and Adam.
Scalable Second Order Optimization for Deep Learning [paper]
- Rohan Anil, Vineet Gupta, Tomer Koren, Kevin Regan, Yoram Singer.
- 2020
Optimization in machine learning, both theoretical and applied, is presently dominated by first-order gradient methods such as stochastic gradient descent. Second-order optimization methods, that involve second derivatives and/or second order statistics of the data, are far less prevalent despite strong theoretical properties, due to their prohibitive computation, memory and communication costs. In an attempt to bridge this gap between theoretical and practical optimization, we present a scalable implementation of a second-order preconditioned method (concretely, a variant of full-matrix Adagrad), that along with several critical algorithmic and numerical improvements, provides significant convergence and wall-clock time improvements compared to conventional first-order methods on state-of-the-art deep models. Our novel design effectively utilizes the prevalent heterogeneous hardware architecture for training deep models, consisting of a multicore CPU coupled with multiple accelerator units. We demonstrate superior performance compared to state-of-the-art on very large learning tasks such as machine translation with Transformers, language modeling with BERT, click-through rate prediction on Criteo, and image classification on ImageNet with ResNet-50.
Sketchy: Memory-efficient Adaptive Regularization with Frequent Directions [paper]
- Vladimir Feinberg, Xinyi Chen, Y. Jennifer Sun, Rohan Anil, Elad Hazan.
- 2023
Adaptive regularization methods that exploit more than the diagonal entries exhibit state of the art performance for many tasks, but can be prohibitive in terms of memory and running time. We find the spectra of the Kronecker-factored gradient covariance matrix in deep learning (DL) training tasks are concentrated on a small leading eigenspace that changes throughout training, motivating a low-rank sketching approach. We describe a generic method for reducing memory and compute requirements of maintaining a matrix preconditioner using the Frequent Directions (FD) sketch. While previous approaches have explored applying FD for second-order optimization, we present a novel analysis which allows efficient interpolation between resource requirements and the degradation in regret guarantees with rank k: in the online convex optimization (OCO) setting over dimension d, we match full-matrix d2 memory regret using only dk memory up to additive error in the bottom d−k eigenvalues of the gradient covariance. Further, we show extensions of our work to Shampoo, resulting in a method competitive in quality with Shampoo and Adam, yet requiring only sub-linear memory for tracking second moments.
Jorge: Approximate Preconditioning for GPU-efficient Second-order Optimization [paper]
- Siddharth Singh, Zachary Sating, Abhinav Bhatele.
- 2023
We present practical Levenberg-Marquardt variants of Gauss-Newton and natural gradient methods for solving non-convex optimization problems that arise in training deep neural networks involving enormous numbers of variables and huge data sets. Our methods use subsampled Gauss-Newton or Fisher information matrices and either subsampled gradient estimates (fully stochastic) or full gradients (semi-stochastic), which, in the latter case, we prove convergent to a stationary point. By using the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula with automatic differentiation (backpropagation) we show how our methods can be implemented to perform efficiently. Finally, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods.
Efficient Subsampled Gauss-Newton and Natural Gradient Methods for Training Neural Networks [paper]
- Yi Ren, Donald Goldfarb.
- 2019
We present practical Levenberg-Marquardt variants of Gauss-Newton and natural gradient methods for solving non-convex optimization problems that arise in training deep neural networks involving enormous numbers of variables and huge data sets. Our methods use subsampled Gauss-Newton or Fisher information matrices and either subsampled gradient estimates (fully stochastic) or full gradients (semi-stochastic), which, in the latter case, we prove convergent to a stationary point. By using the Sherman-Morrison-Woodbury formula with automatic differentiation (backpropagation) we show how our methods can be implemented to perform efficiently. Finally, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods.
Sketchy Empirical Natural Gradient Methods for Deep Learning [paper]
- Minghan Yang, Dong Xu, Zaiwen Wen, Mengyun Chen, Pengxiang Xu.
- 2020
In this paper, we develop an efficient sketchy empirical natural gradient method (SENG) for large-scale deep learning problems. The empirical Fisher information matrix is usually low-rank since the sampling is only practical on a small amount of data at each iteration. Although the corresponding natural gradient direction lies in a small subspace, both the computational cost and memory requirement are still not tractable due to the high dimensionality. We design randomized techniques for different neural network structures to resolve these challenges. For layers with a reasonable dimension, sketching can be performed on a regularized least squares subproblem. Otherwise, since the gradient is a vectorization of the product between two matrices, we apply sketching on the low-rank approximations of these matrices to compute the most expensive parts. A distributed version of SENG is also developed for extremely large-scale applications. Global convergence to stationary points is established under some mild assumptions and a fast linear convergence is analyzed under the neural tangent kernel (NTK) case. Extensive experiments on convolutional neural networks show the competitiveness of SENG compared with the state-of-the-art methods. On the task ResNet50 with ImageNet-1k, SENG achieves 75.9\% Top-1 testing accuracy within 41 epochs. Experiments on the distributed large-batch training show that the scaling efficiency is quite reasonable.
Preconditioned Stochastic Gradient Descent [paper]
- Xi-Lin Li.
- 2015
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) still is the workhorse for many practical problems. However, it converges slow, and can be difficult to tune. It is possible to precondition SGD to accelerate its convergence remarkably. But many attempts in this direction either aim at solving specialized problems, or result in significantly more complicated methods than SGD. This paper proposes a new method to estimate a preconditioner such that the amplitudes of perturbations of preconditioned stochastic gradient match that of the perturbations of parameters to be optimized in a way comparable to Newton method for deterministic optimization. Unlike the preconditioners based on secant equation fitting as done in deterministic quasi-Newton methods, which assume positive definite Hessian and approximate its inverse, the new preconditioner works equally well for both convex and non-convex optimizations with exact or noisy gradients. When stochastic gradient is used, it can naturally damp the gradient noise to stabilize SGD. Efficient preconditioner estimation methods are developed, and with reasonable simplifications, they are applicable to large scaled problems. Experimental results demonstrate that equipped with the new preconditioner, without any tuning effort, preconditioned SGD can efficiently solve many challenging problems like the training of a deep neural network or a recurrent neural network requiring extremely long term memories.
Preconditioner on Matrix Lie Group for SGD [paper]
- Xi-Lin Li.
- 2018
We study two types of preconditioners and preconditioned stochastic gradient descent (SGD) methods in a unified framework. We call the first one the Newton type due to its close relationship to the Newton method, and the second one the Fisher type as its preconditioner is closely related to the inverse of Fisher information matrix. Both preconditioners can be derived from one framework, and efficiently estimated on any matrix Lie groups designated by the user using natural or relative gradient descent minimizing certain preconditioner estimation criteria. Many existing preconditioners and methods, e.g., RMSProp, Adam, KFAC, equilibrated SGD, batch normalization, etc., are special cases of or closely related to either the Newton type or the Fisher type ones. Experimental results on relatively large scale machine learning problems are reported for performance study.
Black Box Lie Group Preconditioners for SGD [paper]
- Xi-Lin Li.
- 2022
A matrix free and a low rank approximation preconditioner are proposed to accelerate the convergence of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) by exploiting curvature information sampled from Hessian-vector products or finite differences of parameters and gradients similar to the BFGS algorithm. Both preconditioners are fitted with an online updating manner minimizing a criterion that is free of line search and robust to stochastic gradient noise, and further constrained to be on certain connected Lie groups to preserve their corresponding symmetry or invariance, e.g., orientation of coordinates by the connected general linear group with positive determinants. The Lie group's equivariance property facilitates preconditioner fitting, and its invariance property saves any need of damping, which is common in second-order optimizers, but difficult to tune. The learning rate for parameter updating and step size for preconditioner fitting are naturally normalized, and their default values work well in most situations.
Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network [paper]
- Geoffrey Hinton, Oriol Vinyals, Jeff Dean.
- 2015
A very simple way to improve the performance of almost any machine learning algorithm is to train many different models on the same data and then to average their predictions. Unfortunately, making predictions using a whole ensemble of models is cumbersome and may be too computationally expensive to allow deployment to a large number of users, especially if the individual models are large neural nets. Caruana and his collaborators have shown that it is possible to compress the knowledge in an ensemble into a single model which is much easier to deploy and we develop this approach further using a different compression technique. We achieve some surprising results on MNIST and we show that we can significantly improve the acoustic model of a heavily used commercial system by distilling the knowledge in an ensemble of models into a single model. We also introduce a new type of ensemble composed of one or more full models and many specialist models which learn to distinguish fine-grained classes that the full models confuse. Unlike a mixture of experts, these specialist models can be trained rapidly and in parallel.
Measuring and regularizing networks in function space [paper]
- Ari S. Benjamin, David Rolnick, Konrad Kording.
- 2018
To optimize a neural network one often thinks of optimizing its parameters, but it is ultimately a matter of optimizing the function that maps inputs to outputs. Since a change in the parameters might serve as a poor proxy for the change in the function, it is of some concern that primacy is given to parameters but that the correspondence has not been tested. Here, we show that it is simple and computationally feasible to calculate distances between functions in a L2 Hilbert space. We examine how typical networks behave in this space, and compare how parameter ℓ2 distances compare to function L2 distances between various points of an optimization trajectory. We find that the two distances are nontrivially related. In particular, the L2/ℓ2 ratio decreases throughout optimization, reaching a steady value around when test error plateaus. We then investigate how the L2 distance could be applied directly to optimization. We first propose that in multitask learning, one can avoid catastrophic forgetting by directly limiting how much the input/output function changes between tasks. Secondly, we propose a new learning rule that constrains the distance a network can travel through L2-space in any one update. This allows new examples to be learned in a way that minimally interferes with what has previously been learned. These applications demonstrate how one can measure and regularize function distances directly, without relying on parameters or local approximations like loss curvature.
SMART: Robust and Efficient Fine-Tuning for Pre-trained Natural Language Models through Principled Regularized Optimization [paper]
- Haoming Jiang, Pengcheng He, Weizhu Chen, Xiaodong Liu, Jianfeng Gao, Tuo Zhao.
- 2019
Transfer learning has fundamentally changed the landscape of natural language processing (NLP) research. Many existing state-of-the-art models are first pre-trained on a large text corpus and then fine-tuned on downstream tasks. However, due to limited data resources from downstream tasks and the extremely large capacity of pre-trained models, aggressive fine-tuning often causes the adapted model to overfit the data of downstream tasks and forget the knowledge of the pre-trained model. To address the above issue in a more principled manner, we propose a new computational framework for robust and efficient fine-tuning for pre-trained language models. Specifically, our proposed framework contains two important ingredients: 1. Smoothness-inducing regularization, which effectively manages the capacity of the model; 2. Bregman proximal point optimization, which is a class of trust-region methods and can prevent knowledge forgetting. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on multiple NLP benchmarks.
Amortized Proximal Optimization [paper]
- Juhan Bae, Paul Vicol, Jeff Z. HaoChen, Roger Grosse.
- 2022
We propose a framework for online meta-optimization of parameters that govern optimization, called Amortized Proximal Optimization (APO). We first interpret various existing neural network optimizers as approximate stochastic proximal point methods which trade off the current-batch loss with proximity terms in both function space and weight space. The idea behind APO is to amortize the minimization of the proximal point objective by meta-learning the parameters of an update rule. We show how APO can be used to adapt a learning rate or a structured preconditioning matrix. Under appropriate assumptions, APO can recover existing optimizers such as natural gradient descent and KFAC. It enjoys low computational overhead and avoids expensive and numerically sensitive operations required by some second-order optimizers, such as matrix inverses. We empirically test APO for online adaptation of learning rates and structured preconditioning matrices for regression, image reconstruction, image classification, and natural language translation tasks. Empirically, the learning rate schedules found by APO generally outperform optimal fixed learning rates and are competitive with manually tuned decay schedules. Using APO to adapt a structured preconditioning matrix generally results in optimization performance competitive with second-order methods. Moreover, the absence of matrix inversion provides numerical stability, making it effective for low precision training.
On the limited memory BFGS method for large scale optimization [paper]
- Dong C. Liu, Jorge Nocedal
- 1989
We study the numerical performance of a limited memory quasi-Newton method for large scale optimization, which we call the L-BFGS method. We compare its performance with that of the method developed by Buckley and LeNir (1985), which combines cycles of BFGS steps and conjugate direction steps. Our numerical tests indicate that the L-BFGS method is faster than the method of Buckley and LeNir, and is better able to use additional storage to accelerate convergence. We show that the L-BFGS method can be greatly accelerated by means of a simple scaling. We then compare the L-BFGS method with the partitioned quasi-Newton method of Griewank and Toint (1982a). The results show that, for some problems, the partitioned quasi-Newton method is clearly superior to the L-BFGS method. However we find that for other problems the L-BFGS method is very competitive due to its low iteration cost. We also study the convergence properties of the L-BFGS method, and prove global convergence on uniformly convex problems.
Practical Quasi-Newton Methods for Training Deep Neural Networks [paper]
- Donald Goldfarb, Yi Ren, Achraf Bahamou
- 2020
We consider the development of practical stochastic quasi-Newton, and in particular Kronecker-factored block-diagonal BFGS and L-BFGS methods, for training deep neural networks (DNNs). In DNN training, the number of variables and components of the gradient n is often of the order of tens of millions and the Hessian has n2 elements. Consequently, computing and storing a full n×n BFGS approximation or storing a modest number of (step, change in gradient) vector pairs for use in an L-BFGS implementation is out of the question. In our proposed methods, we approximate the Hessian by a block-diagonal matrix and use the structure of the gradient and Hessian to further approximate these blocks, each of which corresponds to a layer, as the Kronecker product of two much smaller matrices. This is analogous to the approach in KFAC, which computes a Kronecker-factored block-diagonal approximation to the Fisher matrix in a stochastic natural gradient method. Because the indefinite and highly variable nature of the Hessian in a DNN, we also propose a new damping approach to keep the upper as well as the lower bounds of the BFGS and L-BFGS approximations bounded. In tests on autoencoder feed-forward neural network models with either nine or thirteen layers applied to three datasets, our methods outperformed or performed comparably to KFAC and state-of-the-art first-order stochastic methods.
Deep learning via Hessian-free optimization [paper]
- James Martens
- 2010
We develop a 2nd-order optimization method based on the "Hessian-free" approach, and apply it to training deep auto-encoders. Without using pre-training, we obtain results superior to those reported by Hinton & Salakhutdinov (2006) on the same tasks they considered. Our method is practical, easy to use, scales nicely to very large datasets, and isn't limited in applicability to auto-encoders, or any specific model class. We also discuss the issue of "pathological curvature" as a possible explanation for the difficulty of deep-learning and how 2nd-order optimization, and our method in particular, effectively deals with it.
Training Neural Networks with Stochastic Hessian-Free Optimization [paper]
- Ryan Kiros
- 2013
Hessian-free (HF) optimization has been successfully used for training deep autoencoders and recurrent networks. HF uses the conjugate gradient algorithm to construct update directions through curvature-vector products that can be computed on the same order of time as gradients. In this paper we exploit this property and study stochastic HF with gradient and curvature mini-batches independent of the dataset size. We modify Martens' HF for these settings and integrate dropout, a method for preventing co-adaptation of feature detectors, to guard against overfitting. Stochastic Hessian-free optimization gives an intermediary between SGD and HF that achieves competitive performance on both classification and deep autoencoder experiments.
Hessian-free Optimization for Learning Deep Multidimensional Recurrent Neural Networks [paper]
- Minhyung Cho, Chandra Shekhar Dhir, Jaehyung Lee
- 2015
Multidimensional recurrent neural networks (MDRNNs) have shown a remarkable performance in the area of speech and handwriting recognition. The performance of an MDRNN is improved by further increasing its depth, and the difficulty of learning the deeper network is overcome by using Hessian-free (HF) optimization. Given that connectionist temporal classification (CTC) is utilized as an objective of learning an MDRNN for sequence labeling, the non-convexity of CTC poses a problem when applying HF to the network. As a solution, a convex approximation of CTC is formulated and its relationship with the EM algorithm and the Fisher information matrix is discussed. An MDRNN up to a depth of 15 layers is successfully trained using HF, resulting in an improved performance for sequence labeling.
Small steps and giant leaps: Minimal Newton solvers for Deep Learning [paper]
- João F. Henriques, Sebastien Ehrhardt, Samuel Albanie, Andrea Vedaldi
- 2018
We propose a fast second-order method that can be used as a drop-in replacement for current deep learning solvers. Compared to stochastic gradient descent (SGD), it only requires two additional forward-mode automatic differentiation operations per iteration, which has a computational cost comparable to two standard forward passes and is easy to implement. Our method addresses long-standing issues with current second-order solvers, which invert an approximate Hessian matrix every iteration exactly or by conjugate-gradient methods, a procedure that is both costly and sensitive to noise. Instead, we propose to keep a single estimate of the gradient projected by the inverse Hessian matrix, and update it once per iteration. This estimate has the same size and is similar to the momentum variable that is commonly used in SGD. No estimate of the Hessian is maintained. We first validate our method, called CurveBall, on small problems with known closed-form solutions (noisy Rosenbrock function and degenerate 2-layer linear networks), where current deep learning solvers seem to struggle. We then train several large models on CIFAR and ImageNet, including ResNet and VGG-f networks, where we demonstrate faster convergence with no hyperparameter tuning. Code is available.
On the Promise of the Stochastic Generalized Gauss-Newton Method for Training DNNs [paper]
- Matilde Gargiani, Andrea Zanelli, Moritz Diehl, Frank Hutter.
- 2020
Following early work on Hessian-free methods for deep learning, we study a stochastic generalized Gauss-Newton method (SGN) for training DNNs. SGN is a second-order optimization method, with efficient iterations, that we demonstrate to often require substantially fewer iterations than standard SGD to converge. As the name suggests, SGN uses a Gauss-Newton approximation for the Hessian matrix, and, in order to compute an approximate search direction, relies on the conjugate gradient method combined with forward and reverse automatic differentiation. Despite the success of SGD and its first-order variants, and despite Hessian-free methods based on the Gauss-Newton Hessian approximation having been already theoretically proposed as practical methods for training DNNs, we believe that SGN has a lot of undiscovered and yet not fully displayed potential in big mini-batch scenarios. For this setting, we demonstrate that SGN does not only substantially improve over SGD in terms of the number of iterations, but also in terms of runtime. This is made possible by an efficient, easy-to-use and flexible implementation of SGN we propose in the Theano deep learning platform, which, unlike Tensorflow and Pytorch, supports forward automatic differentiation. This enables researchers to further study and improve this promising optimization technique and hopefully reconsider stochastic second-order methods as competitive optimization techniques for training DNNs; we also hope that the promise of SGN may lead to forward automatic differentiation being added to Tensorflow or Pytorch. Our results also show that in big mini-batch scenarios SGN is more robust than SGD with respect to its hyperparameters (we never had to tune its step-size for our benchmarks!), which eases the expensive process of hyperparameter tuning that is instead crucial for the performance of first-order methods.
Natural Gradient Works Efficiently in Learning [paper]
- Shun-ichi Amari
- 1998
When a parameter space has a certain underlying structure, the ordinary gradient of a function does not represent its steepest direction, but the natural gradient does. Information geometry is used for calculating the natural gradients in the parameter space of perceptrons, the space of matrices (for blind source separation), and the space of linear dynamical systems (for blind source deconvolution). The dynamical behavior of natural gradient online learning is analyzed and is proved to be Fisher efficient, implying that it has asymptotically the same performance as the optimal batch estimation of parameters. This suggests that the plateau phenomenon, which appears in the backpropagation learning algorithm of multilayer perceptrons, might disappear or might not be so serious when the natural gradient is used. An adaptive method of updating the learning rate is proposed and analyzed.
Natural Gradient Descent for On-Line Learning [paper]
- Magnus Rattray, David Saad, and Shun-ichi Amari
- 1998
Natural gradient descent is an on-line variable-metric optimization algorithm which utilizes an underlying Riemannian parameter space. We analyze the dynamics of natural gradient descent beyond the asymptotic regime by employing an exact statistical mechanics description of learning in two-layer feed-forward neural networks. For a realizable learning scenario we find significant improvements over standard gradient descent for both the transient and asymptotic stages of learning, with a slower power law increase in learning time as task complexity grows.
Adaptive natural gradient learning algorithms for various stochastic models [paper]
- H Park, S I Amari, K Fukumizu
- 2000
The natural gradient method has an ideal dynamic behavior which resolves the slow learning speed of the standard gradient descent method caused by plateaus. However, it is required to calculate the Fisher information matrix and its inverse, which makes the implementation of the natural gradient almost impossible. To solve this problem, a preliminary study has been proposed concerning an adaptive method of calculating an estimate of the inverse of the Fisher information matrix, which is called the adaptive natural gradient learning method. In this paper, we show that the adaptive natural gradient method can be extended to be applicable to a wide class of stochastic models: regression with an arbitrary noise model and classification with an arbitrary number of classes. We give explicit forms of the adaptive natural gradient for these models. We confirm the practical advantage of the proposed algorithms through computational experiments on benchmark problems.
On Natural Learning and Pruning in Multilayered Perceptrons [paper]
- Tom Heskes
- 2000
Several studies have shown that natural gradient descent for on-line learning is much more efficient than standard gradient descent. In this article, we derive natural gradients in a slightly different manner and discuss implications for batch-mode learning and pruning, linking them to existing algorithms such as Levenberg-Marquardt optimization and optimal brain surgeon.The Fisher matrix plays an important role in all these algorithms. The second half of the article discusses a layered approximation of the Fisher matrix specific to multilayered perceptrons. Using this approximation rather than the exact Fisher matrix, we arrive at much faster “natural” learning algorithms and more robust pruning procedures.
Topmoumoute Online Natural Gradient Algorithm [paper]
- Nicolas Roux, Pierre-antoine Manzagol, Yoshua Bengio.
- 2008
Guided by the goal of obtaining an optimization algorithm that is both fast and yielding good generalization, we study the descent direction maximizing the decrease in generalization error or the probability of not increasing generalization error. The surprising result is that from both the Bayesian and frequentist perspectives this can yield the natural gradient direction. Although that direction can be very expensive to compute we develop an efficient, general, online approximation to the natural gradient descent which is suited to large scale problems. We report experimental results showing much faster convergence in computation time and in number of iterations with TONGA (Topmoumoute Online natural Gradient Algorithm) than with stochastic gradient descent, even on very large datasets.
Revisiting Natural Gradient for Deep Networks [paper]
- Razvan Pascanu, Yoshua Bengio
- 2013
We evaluate natural gradient, an algorithm originally proposed in Amari (1997), for learning deep models. The contributions of this paper are as follows. We show the connection between natural gradient and three other recently proposed methods for training deep models: Hessian-Free (Martens, 2010), Krylov Subspace Descent (Vinyals and Povey, 2012) and TONGA (Le Roux et al., 2008). We describe how one can use unlabeled data to improve the generalization error obtained by natural gradient and empirically evaluate the robustness of the algorithm to the ordering of the training set compared to stochastic gradient descent. Finally we extend natural gradient to incorporate second order information alongside the manifold information and provide a benchmark of the new algorithm using a truncated Newton approach for inverting the metric matrix instead of using a diagonal approximation of it.
Riemannian metrics for neural networks I: feedforward networks [paper]
- Yann Ollivier
- 2015
We describe four algorithms for neural network training, each adapted to different scalability constraints. These algorithms are mathematically principled and invariant under a number of transformations in data and network representation, from which performance is thus independent. These algorithms are obtained from the setting of differential geometry, and are based on either the natural gradient using the Fisher information matrix, or on Hessian methods, scaled down in a specific way to allow for scalability while keeping some of their key mathematical properties.
Identifying and attacking the saddle point problem in high-dimensional non-convex optimization [paper]
- Yann N. Dauphin, Razvan Pascanu, Caglar Gulcehre, Kyunghyun Cho, Surya Ganguli, Yoshua Bengio
- 2014
A central challenge to many fields of science and engineering involves minimizing non-convex error functions over continuous, high dimensional spaces. Gradient descent or quasi-Newton methods are almost ubiquitously used to perform such minimizations, and it is often thought that a main source of difficulty for these local methods to find the global minimum is the proliferation of local minima with much higher error than the global minimum. Here we argue, based on results from statistical physics, random matrix theory, neural network theory, and empirical evidence, that a deeper and more profound difficulty originates from the proliferation of saddle points, not local minima, especially in high dimensional problems of practical interest. Such saddle points are surrounded by high error plateaus that can dramatically slow down learning, and give the illusory impression of the existence of a local minimum. Motivated by these arguments, we propose a new approach to second-order optimization, the saddle-free Newton method, that can rapidly escape high dimensional saddle points, unlike gradient descent and quasi-Newton methods. We apply this algorithm to deep or recurrent neural network training, and provide numerical evidence for its superior optimization performance.
Equilibrated adaptive learning rates for non-convex optimization [paper]
- Yann N. Dauphin, Harm de Vries, Yoshua Bengio
- 2015
Parameter-specific adaptive learning rate methods are computationally efficient ways to reduce the ill-conditioning problems encountered when training large deep networks. Following recent work that strongly suggests that most of the critical points encountered when training such networks are saddle points, we find how considering the presence of negative eigenvalues of the Hessian could help us design better suited adaptive learning rate schemes. We show that the popular Jacobi preconditioner has undesirable behavior in the presence of both positive and negative curvature, and present theoretical and empirical evidence that the so-called equilibration preconditioner is comparatively better suited to non-convex problems. We introduce a novel adaptive learning rate scheme, called ESGD, based on the equilibration preconditioner. Our experiments show that ESGD performs as well or better than RMSProp in terms of convergence speed, always clearly improving over plain stochastic gradient descent.
Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization [paper]
- Diederik P. Kingma, Jimmy Ba
- 2014
We introduce Adam, an algorithm for first-order gradient-based optimization of stochastic objective functions, based on adaptive estimates of lower-order moments. The method is straightforward to implement, is computationally efficient, has little memory requirements, is invariant to diagonal rescaling of the gradients, and is well suited for problems that are large in terms of data and/or parameters. The method is also appropriate for non-stationary objectives and problems with very noisy and/or sparse gradients. The hyper-parameters have intuitive interpretations and typically require little tuning. Some connections to related algorithms, on which Adam was inspired, are discussed. We also analyze the theoretical convergence properties of the algorithm and provide a regret bound on the convergence rate that is comparable to the best known results under the online convex optimization framework. Empirical results demonstrate that Adam works well in practice and compares favorably to other stochastic optimization methods. Finally, we discuss AdaMax, a variant of Adam based on the infinity norm.
ADAHESSIAN: An Adaptive Second Order Optimizer for Machine Learning [paper]
- Zhewei Yao, Amir Gholami, Sheng Shen, Mustafa Mustafa, Kurt Keutzer, Michael W. Mahoney
- 2020
We introduce ADAHESSIAN, a second order stochastic optimization algorithm which dynamically incorporates the curvature of the loss function via ADAptive estimates of the HESSIAN. Second order algorithms are among the most powerful optimization algorithms with superior convergence properties as compared to first order methods such as SGD and Adam. The main disadvantage of traditional second order methods is their heavier per iteration computation and poor accuracy as compared to first order methods. To address these, we incorporate several novel approaches in ADAHESSIAN, including: (i) a fast Hutchinson based method to approximate the curvature matrix with low computational overhead; (ii) a root-mean-square exponential moving average to smooth out variations of the Hessian diagonal across different iterations; and (iii) a block diagonal averaging to reduce the variance of Hessian diagonal elements. We show that ADAHESSIAN achieves new state-of-the-art results by a large margin as compared to other adaptive optimization methods, including variants of Adam. In particular, we perform extensive tests on CV, NLP, and recommendation system tasks and find that ADAHESSIAN: (i) achieves 1.80%/1.45% higher accuracy on ResNets20/32 on Cifar10, and 5.55% higher accuracy on ImageNet as compared to Adam; (ii) outperforms AdamW for transformers by 0.13/0.33 BLEU score on IWSLT14/WMT14 and 2.7/1.0 PPL on PTB/Wikitext-103; (iii) outperforms AdamW for SqueezeBert by 0.41 points on GLUE; and (iv) achieves 0.032% better score than Adagrad for DLRM on the Criteo Ad Kaggle dataset. Importantly, we show that the cost per iteration of ADAHESSIAN is comparable to first order methods, and that it exhibits robustness towards its hyperparameters.
Sophia: A Scalable Stochastic Second-order Optimizer for Language Model Pre-training [paper]
- Hong Liu, Zhiyuan Li, David Hall, Percy Liang, Tengyu Ma
- 2023
Given the massive cost of language model pre-training, a non-trivial improvement of the optimization algorithm would lead to a material reduction on the time and cost of training. Adam and its variants have been state-of-the-art for years, and more sophisticated second-order (Hessian-based) optimizers often incur too much per-step overhead. In this paper, we propose Sophia, Second-order Clipped Stochastic Optimization, a simple scalable second-order optimizer that uses a light-weight estimate of the diagonal Hessian as the pre-conditioner. The update is the moving average of the gradients divided by the moving average of the estimated Hessian, followed by element-wise clipping. The clipping controls the worst-case update size and tames the negative impact of non-convexity and rapid change of Hessian along the trajectory. Sophia only estimates the diagonal Hessian every handful of iterations, which has negligible average per-step time and memory overhead. On language modeling with GPT models of sizes ranging from 125M to 1.5B, Sophia achieves a 2x speed-up compared to Adam in the number of steps, total compute, and wall-clock time, achieving the same perplexity with 50% fewer steps, less total compute, and reduced wall-clock time. Theoretically, we show that Sophia, in a much simplified setting, adapts to the heterogeneous curvatures in different parameter dimensions, and thus has a run-time bound that does not depend on the condition number of the loss.
Noisy Natural Gradient as Variational Inference [paper]
- Guodong Zhang, Shengyang Sun, David Duvenaud, Roger Grosse
- 2017
Variational Bayesian neural nets combine the flexibility of deep learning with Bayesian uncertainty estimation. Unfortunately, there is a tradeoff between cheap but simple variational families (e.g.~fully factorized) or expensive and complicated inference procedures. We show that natural gradient ascent with adaptive weight noise implicitly fits a variational posterior to maximize the evidence lower bound (ELBO). This insight allows us to train full-covariance, fully factorized, or matrix-variate Gaussian variational posteriors using noisy versions of natural gradient, Adam, and K-FAC, respectively, making it possible to scale up to modern-size ConvNets. On standard regression benchmarks, our noisy K-FAC algorithm makes better predictions and matches Hamiltonian Monte Carlo's predictive variances better than existing methods. Its improved uncertainty estimates lead to more efficient exploration in active learning, and intrinsic motivation for reinforcement learning.
Fast and Scalable Bayesian Deep Learning by Weight-Perturbation in Adam [paper]
- Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan, Didrik Nielsen, Voot Tangkaratt, Wu Lin, Yarin Gal, Akash Srivastava
- 2018
Uncertainty computation in deep learning is essential to design robust and reliable systems. Variational inference (VI) is a promising approach for such computation, but requires more effort to implement and execute compared to maximum-likelihood methods. In this paper, we propose new natural-gradient algorithms to reduce such efforts for Gaussian mean-field VI. Our algorithms can be implemented within the Adam optimizer by perturbing the network weights during gradient evaluations, and uncertainty estimates can be cheaply obtained by using the vector that adapts the learning rate. This requires lower memory, computation, and implementation effort than existing VI methods, while obtaining uncertainty estimates of comparable quality. Our empirical results confirm this and further suggest that the weight-perturbation in our algorithm could be useful for exploration in reinforcement learning and stochastic optimization.
SLANG: Fast Structured Covariance Approximations for Bayesian Deep Learning with Natural Gradient [paper]
- Aaron Mishkin, Frederik Kunstner, Didrik Nielsen, Mark Schmidt, Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan
- 2019
Uncertainty estimation in large deep-learning models is a computationally challenging task, where it is difficult to form even a Gaussian approximation to the posterior distribution. In such situations, existing methods usually resort to a diagonal approximation of the covariance matrix despite, the fact that these matrices are known to result in poor uncertainty estimates. To address this issue, we propose a new stochastic, low-rank, approximate natural-gradient (SLANG) method for variational inference in large, deep models. Our method estimates a "diagonal plus low-rank" structure based solely on back-propagated gradients of the network log-likelihood. This requires strictly less gradient computations than methods that compute the gradient of the whole variational objective. Empirical evaluations on standard benchmarks confirm that SLANG enables faster and more accurate estimation of uncertainty than mean-field methods, and performs comparably to state-of-the-art methods.
Practical Deep Learning with Bayesian Principles [paper]
- Kazuki Osawa, Siddharth Swaroop, Anirudh Jain, Runa Eschenhagen, Richard E. Turner, Rio Yokota, Mohammad Emtiyaz Khan
- 2019
Bayesian methods promise to fix many shortcomings of deep learning, but they are impractical and rarely match the performance of standard methods, let alone improve them. In this paper, we demonstrate practical training of deep networks with natural-gradient variational inference. By applying techniques such as batch normalisation, data augmentation, and distributed training, we achieve similar performance in about the same number of epochs as the Adam optimiser, even on large datasets such as ImageNet. Importantly, the benefits of Bayesian principles are preserved: predictive probabilities are well-calibrated, uncertainties on out-of-distribution data are improved, and continual-learning performance is boosted. This work enables practical deep learning while preserving benefits of Bayesian principles. A PyTorch implementation is available as a plug-and-play optimiser.
Second-Order Stochastic Optimization for Machine Learning in Linear Time [paper]
- Naman Agarwal, Brian Bullins, Elad Hazan
- 2016
First-order stochastic methods are the state-of-the-art in large-scale machine learning optimization owing to efficient per-iteration complexity. Second-order methods, while able to provide faster convergence, have been much less explored due to the high cost of computing the second-order information. In this paper we develop second-order stochastic methods for optimization problems in machine learning that match the per-iteration cost of gradient based methods, and in certain settings improve upon the overall running time over popular first-order methods. Furthermore, our algorithm has the desirable property of being implementable in time linear in the sparsity of the input data.
Practical Gauss-Newton Optimisation for Deep Learning [paper]
- Aleksandar Botev, Hippolyt Ritter, David Barber
- 2017
We present an efficient block-diagonal ap- proximation to the Gauss-Newton matrix for feedforward neural networks. Our result- ing algorithm is competitive against state- of-the-art first order optimisation methods, with sometimes significant improvement in optimisation performance. Unlike first-order methods, for which hyperparameter tuning of the optimisation parameters is often a labo- rious process, our approach can provide good performance even when used with default set- tings. A side result of our work is that for piecewise linear transfer functions, the net- work objective function can have no differ- entiable local maxima, which may partially explain why such transfer functions facilitate effective optimisation.
Neumann Optimizer: A Practical Optimization Algorithm for Deep Neural Networks [paper]
- Shankar Krishnan, Ying Xiao, Rif A. Saurous
- 2017
Progress in deep learning is slowed by the days or weeks it takes to train large models. The natural solution of using more hardware is limited by diminishing returns, and leads to inefficient use of additional resources. In this paper, we present a large batch, stochastic optimization algorithm that is both faster than widely used algorithms for fixed amounts of computation, and also scales up substantially better as more computational resources become available. Our algorithm implicitly computes the inverse Hessian of each mini-batch to produce descent directions; we do so without either an explicit approximation to the Hessian or Hessian-vector products. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm by successfully training large ImageNet models (Inception-V3, Resnet-50, Resnet-101 and Inception-Resnet-V2) with mini-batch sizes of up to 32000 with no loss in validation error relative to current baselines, and no increase in the total number of steps. At smaller mini-batch sizes, our optimizer improves the validation error in these models by 0.8-0.9%. Alternatively, we can trade off this accuracy to reduce the number of training steps needed by roughly 10-30%. Our work is practical and easily usable by others -- only one hyperparameter (learning rate) needs tuning, and furthermore, the algorithm is as computationally cheap as the commonly used Adam optimizer.
Efficient Full-Matrix Adaptive Regularization [paper]
- Naman Agarwal, Brian Bullins, Xinyi Chen, Elad Hazan, Karan Singh, Cyril Zhang, Yi Zhang
- 2018
Adaptive regularization methods pre-multiply a descent direction by a preconditioning matrix. Due to the large number of parameters of machine learning problems, full-matrix preconditioning methods are prohibitively expensive. We show how to modify full-matrix adaptive regularization in order to make it practical and effective. We also provide a novel theoretical analysis for adaptive regularization in non-convex optimization settings. The core of our algorithm, termed GGT, consists of the efficient computation of the inverse square root of a low-rank matrix. Our preliminary experiments show improved iteration-wise convergence rates across synthetic tasks and standard deep learning benchmarks, and that the more carefully-preconditioned steps sometimes lead to a better solution.
Second-Order Neural ODE Optimizer [paper]
- Guan-Horng Liu, Tianrong Chen, Evangelos A. Theodorou
- 2021
We propose a novel second-order optimization framework for training the emerging deep continuous-time models, specifically the Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Neural ODEs). Since their training already involves expensive gradient computation by solving a backward ODE, deriving efficient second-order methods becomes highly nontrivial. Nevertheless, inspired by the recent Optimal Control (OC) interpretation of training deep networks, we show that a specific continuous-time OC methodology, called Differential Programming, can be adopted to derive backward ODEs for higher-order derivatives at the same O(1) memory cost. We further explore a low-rank representation of the second-order derivatives and show that it leads to efficient preconditioned updates with the aid of Kronecker-based factorization. The resulting method -- named SNOpt -- converges much faster than first-order baselines in wall-clock time, and the improvement remains consistent across various applications, e.g. image classification, generative flow, and time-series prediction. Our framework also enables direct architecture optimization, such as the integration time of Neural ODEs, with second-order feedback policies, strengthening the OC perspective as a principled tool of analyzing optimization in deep learning. Our code is available at this https URL.
Tensor Normal Training for Deep Learning Models [paper]
- Yi Ren, Donald Goldfarb
- 2021
Despite the predominant use of first-order methods for training deep learning models, second-order methods, and in particular, natural gradient methods, remain of interest because of their potential for accelerating training through the use of curvature information. Several methods with non-diagonal preconditioning matrices, including KFAC, Shampoo, and K-BFGS, have been proposed and shown to be effective. Based on the so-called tensor normal (TN) distribution, we propose and analyze a brand new approximate natural gradient method, Tensor Normal Training (TNT), which like Shampoo, only requires knowledge of the shape of the training parameters. By approximating the probabilistically based Fisher matrix, as opposed to the empirical Fisher matrix, our method uses the block-wise covariance of the sampling based gradient as the pre-conditioning matrix. Moreover, the assumption that the sampling-based (tensor) gradient follows a TN distribution, ensures that its covariance has a Kronecker separable structure, which leads to a tractable approximation to the Fisher matrix. Consequently, TNT's memory requirements and per-iteration computational costs are only slightly higher than those for first-order methods. In our experiments, TNT exhibited superior optimization performance to state-of-the-art first-order methods, and comparable optimization performance to the state-of-the-art second-order methods KFAC and Shampoo. Moreover, TNT demonstrated its ability to generalize as well as first-order methods, while using fewer epochs.
Three Mechanisms of Weight Decay Regularization [paper]
- Guodong Zhang, Chaoqi Wang, Bowen Xu, Roger Grosse
- 2018
Weight decay is one of the standard tricks in the neural network toolbox, but the reasons for its regularization effect are poorly understood, and recent results have cast doubt on the traditional interpretation in terms of L2 regularization. Literal weight decay has been shown to outperform L2 regularization for optimizers for which they differ. We empirically investigate weight decay for three optimization algorithms (SGD, Adam, and K-FAC) and a variety of network architectures. We identify three distinct mechanisms by which weight decay exerts a regularization effect, depending on the particular optimization algorithm and architecture: (1) increasing the effective learning rate, (2) approximately regularizing the input-output Jacobian norm, and (3) reducing the effective damping coefficient for second-order optimization. Our results provide insight into how to improve the regularization of neural networks.
Limitations of the Empirical Fisher Approximation for Natural Gradient Descent [paper]
- Frederik Kunstner, Lukas Balles, Philipp Hennig
- 2019
Natural gradient descent, which preconditions a gradient descent update with the Fisher information matrix of the underlying statistical model, is a way to capture partial second-order information. Several highly visible works have advocated an approximation known as the empirical Fisher, drawing connections between approximate second-order methods and heuristics like Adam. We dispute this argument by showing that the empirical Fisher---unlike the Fisher---does not generally capture second-order information. We further argue that the conditions under which the empirical Fisher approaches the Fisher (and the Hessian) are unlikely to be met in practice, and that, even on simple optimization problems, the pathologies of the empirical Fisher can have undesirable effects.
Which Algorithmic Choices Matter at Which Batch Sizes? Insights From a Noisy Quadratic Model [paper]
- Guodong Zhang, Lala Li, Zachary Nado, James Martens, Sushant Sachdeva, George E. Dahl, Christopher J. Shallue, Roger Grosse
- 2019
Increasing the batch size is a popular way to speed up neural network training, but beyond some critical batch size, larger batch sizes yield diminishing returns. In this work, we study how the critical batch size changes based on properties of the optimization algorithm, including acceleration and preconditioning, through two different lenses: large scale experiments, and analysis of a simple noisy quadratic model (NQM). We experimentally demonstrate that optimization algorithms that employ preconditioning, specifically Adam and K-FAC, result in much larger critical batch sizes than stochastic gradient descent with momentum. We also demonstrate that the NQM captures many of the essential features of real neural network training, despite being drastically simpler to work with. The NQM predicts our results with preconditioned optimizers, previous results with accelerated gradient descent, and other results around optimal learning rates and large batch training, making it a useful tool to generate testable predictions about neural network optimization.
Whitening and second order optimization both make information in the dataset unusable during training, and can reduce or prevent generalization [paper]
- Neha S. Wadia, Daniel Duckworth, Samuel S. Schoenholz, Ethan Dyer, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein
- 2020
Machine learning is predicated on the concept of generalization: a model achieving low error on a sufficiently large training set should also perform well on novel samples from the same distribution. We show that both data whitening and second order optimization can harm or entirely prevent generalization. In general, model training harnesses information contained in the sample-sample second moment matrix of a dataset. For a general class of models, namely models with a fully connected first layer, we prove that the information contained in this matrix is the only information which can be used to generalize. Models trained using whitened data, or with certain second order optimization schemes, have less access to this information, resulting in reduced or nonexistent generalization ability. We experimentally verify these predictions for several architectures, and further demonstrate that generalization continues to be harmed even when theoretical requirements are relaxed. However, we also show experimentally that regularized second order optimization can provide a practical tradeoff, where training is accelerated but less information is lost, and generalization can in some circumstances even improve.
Online Natural Gradient as a Kalman Filter [paper]
- Yann Ollivier
- 2017
We cast Amari's natural gradient in statistical learning as a specific case of Kalman filtering. Namely, applying an extended Kalman filter to estimate a fixed unknown parameter of a probabilistic model from a series of observations, is rigorously equivalent to estimating this parameter via an online stochastic natural gradient descent on the log-likelihood of the observations. In the i.i.d. case, this relation is a consequence of the "information filter" phrasing of the extended Kalman filter. In the recurrent (state space, non-i.i.d.) case, we prove that the joint Kalman filter over states and parameters is a natural gradient on top of real-time recurrent learning (RTRL), a classical algorithm to train recurrent models. This exact algebraic correspondence provides relevant interpretations for natural gradient hyperparameters such as learning rates or initialization and regularization of the Fisher information matrix.
Dynamics of Learning in MLP: Natural Gradient and Singularity Revisited [paper]
- Shun-ichi Amari, Tomoko Ozeki, Ryo Karakida, Yuki Yoshida, Masato Okada
- 2018
The dynamics of supervised learning play a main role in deep learning, which takes place in the parameter space of a multilayer perceptron (MLP). We review the history of supervised stochastic gradient learning, focusing on its singular structure and natural gradient. The parameter space includes singular regions in which parameters are not identifiable. One of our results is a full exploration of the dynamical behaviors of stochastic gradient learning in an elementary singular network. The bad news is its pathological nature, in which part of the singular region becomes an attractor and another part a repulser at the same time, forming a Milnor attractor. A learning trajectory is attracted by the attractor region, staying in it for a long time, before it escapes the singular region through the repulser region. This is typical of plateau phenomena in learning. We demonstrate the strange topology of a singular region by introducing blow-down coordinates, which are useful for analyzing the natural gradient dynamics. We confirm that the natural gradient dynamics are free of critical slowdown. The second main result is the good news: the interactions of elementary singular networks eliminate the attractor part and the Milnor-type attractors disappear. This explains why large-scale networks do not suffer from serious critical slowdowns due to singularities. We finally show that the unit-wise natural gradient is effective for learning in spite of its low computational cost.
Fisher Information and Natural Gradient Learning of Random Deep Networks [paper]
- Shun-ichi Amari, Ryo Karakida, Masafumi Oizumi
- 2018
A deep neural network is a hierarchical nonlinear model transforming input signals to output signals. Its input-output relation is considered to be stochastic, being described for a given input by a parameterized conditional probability distribution of outputs. The space of parameters consisting of weights and biases is a Riemannian manifold, where the metric is defined by the Fisher information matrix. The natural gradient method uses the steepest descent direction in a Riemannian manifold, so it is effective in learning, avoiding plateaus. It requires inversion of the Fisher information matrix, however, which is practically impossible when the matrix has a huge number of dimensions. Many methods for approximating the natural gradient have therefore been introduced. The present paper uses statistical neurodynamical method to reveal the properties of the Fisher information matrix in a net of random connections under the mean field approximation. We prove that the Fisher information matrix is unit-wise block diagonal supplemented by small order terms of off-block-diagonal elements, which provides a justification for the quasi-diagonal natural gradient method by Y. Ollivier. A unitwise block-diagonal Fisher metrix reduces to the tensor product of the Fisher information matrices of single units. We further prove that the Fisher information matrix of a single unit has a simple reduced form, a sum of a diagonal matrix and a rank 2 matrix of weight-bias correlations. We obtain the inverse of Fisher information explicitly. We then have an explicit form of the natural gradient, without relying on the numerical matrix inversion, which drastically speeds up stochastic gradient learning.
Exact natural gradient in deep linear networks and its application to the nonlinear case [paper]
- Alberto Bernacchia, Mate Lengyel, Guillaume Hennequin
- 2018
Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) remains the method of choice for deep learning, despite the limitations arising for ill-behaved objective functions. In cases where it could be estimated, the natural gradient has proven very effective at mitigating the catastrophic effects of pathological curvature in the objective function, but little is known theoretically about its convergence properties, and it has yet to find a practical implementation that would scale to very deep and large networks. Here, we derive an exact expression for the natural gradient in deep linear networks, which exhibit pathological curvature similar to the nonlinear case. We provide for the first time an analytical solution for its convergence rate, showing that the loss decreases exponentially to the global minimum in parameter space. Our expression for the natural gradient is surprisingly simple, computationally tractable, and explains why some approximations proposed previously work well in practice. This opens new avenues for approximating the natural gradient in the nonlinear case, and we show in preliminary experiments that our online natural gradient descent outperforms SGD on MNIST autoencoding while sharing its computational simplicity.
Fast Convergence of Natural Gradient Descent for Over-Parameterized Neural Networks [paper]
- Guodong Zhang, James Martens, Roger B. Grosse
- 2019
Natural gradient descent has proven very effective at mitigating the catastrophic effects of pathological curvature in the objective function, but little is known theoretically about its convergence properties, especially for \emph{non-linear} networks. In this work, we analyze for the first time the speed of convergence to global optimum for natural gradient descent on non-linear neural networks with the squared error loss. We identify two conditions which guarantee the global convergence: (1) the Jacobian matrix (of network's output for all training cases w.r.t the parameters) is full row rank and (2) the Jacobian matrix is stable for small perturbations around the initialization. For two-layer ReLU neural networks (i.e. with one hidden layer), we prove that these two conditions do hold throughout the training under the assumptions that the inputs do not degenerate and the network is over-parameterized. We further extend our analysis to more general loss function with similar convergence property. Lastly, we show that K-FAC, an approximate natural gradient descent method, also converges to global minima under the same assumptions.
Stochastic (Approximate) Proximal Point Methods: Convergence, Optimality, and Adaptivity [paper]
- Hilal Asi and John C. Duchi.
- 2019
We develop model-based methods for solving stochastic convex optimization problems, introducing the approximate-proximal point, or aProx, family, which includes the stochastic subgradient, proximal point, and bundle methods. When the modeling approaches we propose are appropriately accurate, the methods enjoy stronger convergence and robustness guarantees than classical approaches, even though the model-based methods typically add little to no computational overhead over stochastic subgradient methods. For example, we show that improved models converge with probability 1 and enjoy optimal asymptotic normality results under weak assumptions; these methods are also adaptive to a natural class of what we term easy optimization problems, achieving linear convergence under appropriate strong growth conditions on the objective. Our substantial experimental investigation shows the advantages of more accurate modeling over standard subgradient methods across many smooth and nonsmooth optimization problems.
Gram-Gauss-Newton Method: Learning Overparameterized Neural Networks for Regression Problems [paper]
- Tianle Cai, Ruiqi Gao, Jikai Hou, Siyu Chen, Dong Wang, Di He, Zhihua Zhang, Liwei Wang.
- 2019
First-order methods such as stochastic gradient descent (SGD) are currently the standard algorithm for training deep neural networks. Second-order methods, despite their better convergence rate, are rarely used in practice due to the prohibitive computational cost in calculating the second-order information. In this paper, we propose a novel Gram-Gauss-Newton (GGN) algorithm to train deep neural networks for regression problems with square loss. Our method draws inspiration from the connection between neural network optimization and kernel regression of neural tangent kernel (NTK). Different from typical second-order methods that have heavy computational cost in each iteration, GGN only has minor overhead compared to first-order methods such as SGD. We also give theoretical results to show that for sufficiently wide neural networks, the convergence rate of GGN is \emph{quadratic}. Furthermore, we provide convergence guarantee for mini-batch GGN algorithm, which is, to our knowledge, the first convergence result for the mini-batch version of a second-order method on overparameterized neural networks. Preliminary experiments on regression tasks demonstrate that for training standard networks, our GGN algorithm converges much faster and achieves better performance than SGD.
Understanding Approximate Fisher Information for Fast Convergence of Natural Gradient Descent in Wide Neural Networks [paper]
- Ryo Karakida, Kazuki Osawa
- 2020
Natural Gradient Descent (NGD) helps to accelerate the convergence of gradient descent dynamics, but it requires approximations in large-scale deep neural networks because of its high computational cost. Empirical studies have confirmed that some NGD methods with approximate Fisher information converge sufficiently fast in practice. Nevertheless, it remains unclear from the theoretical perspective why and under what conditions such heuristic approximations work well. In this work, we reveal that, under specific conditions, NGD with approximate Fisher information achieves the same fast convergence to global minima as exact NGD. We consider deep neural networks in the infinite-width limit, and analyze the asymptotic training dynamics of NGD in function space via the neural tangent kernel. In the function space, the training dynamics with the approximate Fisher information are identical to those with the exact Fisher information, and they converge quickly. The fast convergence holds in layer-wise approximations; for instance, in block diagonal approximation where each block corresponds to a layer as well as in block tri-diagonal and K-FAC approximations. We also find that a unit-wise approximation achieves the same fast convergence under some assumptions. All of these different approximations have an isotropic gradient in the function space, and this plays a fundamental role in achieving the same convergence properties in training. Thus, the current study gives a novel and unified theoretical foundation with which to understand NGD methods in deep learning.
When Does Preconditioning Help or Hurt Generalization? [paper]
- Shun-ichi Amari, Jimmy Ba, Roger Grosse, Xuechen Li, Atsushi Nitanda, Taiji Suzuki, Denny Wu, Ji Xu
- 2020
While second order optimizers such as natural gradient descent (NGD) often speed up optimization, their effect on generalization has been called into question. This work presents a more nuanced view on how the \textit{implicit bias} of first- and second-order methods affects the comparison of generalization properties. We provide an exact asymptotic bias-variance decomposition of the generalization error of overparameterized ridgeless regression under a general class of preconditioner P, and consider the inverse population Fisher information matrix (used in NGD) as a particular example. We determine the optimal P for both the bias and variance, and find that the relative generalization performance of different optimizers depends on the label noise and the "shape" of the signal (true parameters): when the labels are noisy, the model is misspecified, or the signal is misaligned with the features, NGD can achieve lower risk; conversely, GD generalizes better than NGD under clean labels, a well-specified model, or aligned signal. Based on this analysis, we discuss several approaches to manage the bias-variance tradeoff, and the potential benefit of interpolating between GD and NGD. We then extend our analysis to regression in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space and demonstrate that preconditioned GD can decrease the population risk faster than GD. Lastly, we empirically compare the generalization error of first- and second-order optimizers in neural network experiments, and observe robust trends matching our theoretical analysis.
New Insights and Perspectives on the Natural Gradient Method [paper]
- James Martens
- 2020
Natural gradient descent is an optimization method traditionally motivated from the perspective of information geometry, and works well for many applications as an alternative to stochastic gradient descent. In this paper we critically analyze this method and its properties, and show how it can be viewed as a type of 2nd-order optimization method, with the Fisher information matrix acting as a substitute for the Hessian. In many important cases, the Fisher information matrix is shown to be equivalent to the Generalized Gauss-Newton matrix, which both approximates the Hessian, but also has certain properties that favor its use over the Hessian. This perspective turns out to have significant implications for the design of a practical and robust natural gradient optimizer, as it motivates the use of techniques like trust regions and Tikhonov regularization. Additionally, we make a series of contributions to the understanding of natural gradient and 2nd-order methods, including: a thorough analysis of the convergence speed of stochastic natural gradient descent (and more general stochastic 2nd-order methods) as applied to convex quadratics, a critical examination of the oft-used 'empirical' approximation of the Fisher matrix, and an analysis of the (approximate) parameterization invariance property possessed by natural gradient methods (which we show also holds for certain other curvature matrices, but notably not the Hessian).