All the geological models provided as data test material are courtesy of the RING Consortium.
If you use these models please cite the paper in which they were introduced.
Models A1 to A6
@article{pellerin_elements_2015, title = {Elements for measuring the complexity of 3D structural models: {Connectivity} and geometry}, volume = {76}, issn = {0098-3004}, doi = {}, number = {0}, journal = {Computers & Geosciences}, author = {Pellerin, Jeanne and Caumon, Guillaume and Julio, Charline and Mejia-Herrera, Pablo and Botella, Arnaud}, year = {2015}, keywords = {Surface model}, pages = {130 -- 140} }
Model Annot
@article{salles_migration_2011, title = {Migration of a synclinal depocentre from turbidite growth strata: the {Annot} syncline, {SE} {France}}, volume = {182}, issn = {0037-9409}, number = {3}, journal = {Bulletin de la Soci'ete G'eologique de France}, author = {Salles, L. and Ford, M. and Joseph, P. and De Veslud, C.L.C. and Le Solleuz, A.}, year = {2011}, pages = {199--220} }
Model AFault: modified and extracted of the SEG-EAGE Overthrust model (
Skecth.svg modified from