ABCE is a Python Agent-Based Complete Economy Platform, written by Davoud Taghawi-Nejad. With ABCE, you can write economic, agent-based simulations in python. ABCE handles, trading production an consumption automatically. The agents, written by the modeler do only have to make the decisions and instruct the platform to trade, produce and consume. ABCE makes sure the economy is closed, that means no goods appear, disappear or are otherwise unaccounted for. It is therefore particularly useful for macre models. ABCE's model output are compatible with R, Excel and sqlite.
The full documentation
This tutorial is a step by step guide to create an agent-based model with ABCE. In the following two text boxes, we the two concepts that make ABCE special are explaind: The explict modelling of trade able goods. And the physical closedness of the economy. (Which with some care leads to a general model - al in general equilibrum. (Of cause without equilibrum)
Objects the other ontological object of agent-based models.
- Objects have a special stance in agent-based modeling:
- objects can be recovered (resources)
- exchanged (trade)
- transformed (production)
- consumed (transformed :-))
- destroyed (not really) and time depreciated
ABCE, takes automatically care of Trade, production/transformation and consumption of goods. Good categories can also be made to perish or regrow. Services and renting can so be modeled.
- Closed economy
When we impose that goods can only be transformed. The economy is physically closed (the economy is stock an flow consistent). When the markets are in a complete network our economy is complete. Think "general" in equilibrum economics.
Caveats: If agents horde without taking their stock into account its like destruction.
With this basic understanding you can now start writing your own model.
To create a model you basically have to follow three steps:
- Specify endowments that repletish every round and goods/services
- that perish
- Write the timeline
- Write the agents with their actions
There is of course a littly bit of admin you have to do:
- import agents in the model
- specify parameters
It is instructive to look an a simple example, for example the 2x2 economy. Than you can make a working copy of the templote or a copy of an example. (you need to change the abce/lib path in
copy abce/example to your_model_path:
cd your_model_path cp ../abce/template/* .
In line 3 of adjust sys.path.append('your_path_to/abce/lib')
In the simulation, thus the parameters, objects, agents and time line are set up. Further it is declared, what is observed and written to the database. [2]
from Firm import Firm from Household import Household
Here the Agent class Firm is imported from the file Likewise the Household class.
ABCE, reads the model parameter from a spreed sheet, every line is one simulation:
for parameters in simulation.read_parameters('simulation_parameters.csv'): ...
With the parameters ABCE loops over the intended line, to create the simulation and than runs the simulation. (after that it reads the next line an loops again). The variable parameters contains all parmeters from 'simulation_parameters.csv'. See simulation_parameters and agent_parameters for details.
To set up a new model, you create a class a that will comprise your model:
s = Simulation(parameters) ...
After this the timeline, agents and objects are added in arbitrary order to the model.
action_list = [ ('Household', 'offer_capital'), ('Firm', 'buy_capital'), ('Household', 'search_work'), ('Firm', 'hire_labor'), ('Firm', 'production'), 'after_sales_before_consumption' ('Household', 'consumption') ] s.add_action_list(action_list)
This establishes the order of the simulation. It can also be read from file .. _add_action_list_from_csv_file
In order to add an agent which was imported before we simply build this agents:
s.build_agents(Firm, 'number_of_firms') s.build_agents(Household, 10)
The number of firms to be build is read from the column in simulation_parameters.csv called number_of_firms. The number of households on the other side is fixed at 10.
Goods are declared by goods classes. A normal good needs not to be declared. Below in the text you will see how to declare, perishable goods and periodically renewed endowments (resources) [The goods]
Or you can create panal data from agoup of agents:
s.panel_db('Firm', command='after_sales_before_consumption') s.panel_db('all') # at the beginning ...
In the remainder of this Walk through, we will see how the timeline, the goods and the agents are created.
[1] | panal_db must be called after the declaration of the agents. |
Every agents-based model is caracterized by the order of which the actions are executed. In ABCE, there are rounds, every round is composed of subrounds, in which all agents, a group of agents or a single agent, act in parallel. In the code below you see a typical subround.
You have to declare an action_list, that is made of tuples telling ABCE which agent or agent group, should execute which method:
action_list = [ repeat([ ('Household', 'offer_capital'), ('Firm', 'buy_capital'), ], repetitions=10), ('Household', 'search_work'), ('Firm', 'hire_labor'), ('Firm', 'production'), 'after_sales_before_consumption', ('Household', 'consumption') ] s.add_action_list(action_list)
The first tuple for example tells all Household agents to execute the methode "offer_capital". The 'after_sales_before_consumption' is a database command. see [panel_db].
The repeat function allows to repeat actions within the brackets a determinate amount of time.
Interactions happen between subrounds. An agent, sends a message in one round. The recieving agent, recieves the message the following subround. A trade is finished in three rounds: (1) an agend sends an offer. (footnote: the offered good is blocked, so it can not be sold twice or used before delivery.) (2) the other agent accepts (or rejects it). (3) The good is automatically delivered. (footnote: if the trade was rejected: the blocked good is unblocked.)
A normal good can be traded and used for production or consumption. The only thing you have to do is create the amount of goods for every agent with :meth:`abceagent.Agent.create` in the agent's __init__ method.
If an agent receives and endowment every round this can be automatically handled, with :meth:`abce.Simulation.declare_round_endowment`. For example the following command gives every round who possess one unit of 'labor_endowment' on unit of 'labor' every round:
s.declare_round_endowment('labor_endowment', 1, 'labor')
You can also declare goods that last only one round and than automatically perish. :meth:`abce.Simulation.declare_perishable`
This example declares 'labor' perishable and every round the agent gets an endowment of 'labor' according to the number of labor_endowment give every Household one or two units of labor_endowment, depending of the number of working adults. Then every round the agent gets the according amount of labor. If he does not sell his labor, it automatically disappears at the end of the round.
One important remark, for a logically consistent macro-model it is best to not create any goods during the simulation, but only in :meth:`abceagent.Agent.__init__`. During the simulation the only new goods should be created by declare_round_endowment. In this way the economy is physically closed. An exception is of course money.
Agents are modeled in a separate file. In the template directory, you will find three agents:, and
An agent has to import the :module:abceagent module and some helpers:
import abceagent from abcetools import is_zero, is_positive, is_negative, NotEnoughGoods
This imports the base classes: abceagent, Household and Firm.
An agent is a class and must at least inherit abceagent.Agent. Trade, Messaging and Database are automatically inherited:
class Agent(abceagent.Agent):
To create an agent that can also consume:
class Household(abceagent.Agent, abceagent.Household):
You see our Household agent inherits from abceagent, which is compulsary and Household. Household an the otherhand are a set of methods that are unique for Household agents. (there is also a Firm class)
def __init__(self, simulation_parameters, own_parameters, _pass_to_engine): abceagent.__init__(self, *_pass_to_engine) self.create('labor_endowment', 1) self.create('capital_endowment', 1) self.set_cobb_douglas_utility_function({"MLK": 0.300, "BRD": 0.700}) self.prices = {} self.prices['labor'] = 1 self.number_of_firms = simulation_parameters['number_of_firms'] self.renter = random.randint(0, 100) self.last_utility = None
The __init__ method is the method that is called when the agents are created (by the the :func:simulationengine:build_agents are :func:simulationengine.build_agents_from_file method.) In this method agents can access the simulation_parameters from the 'simulation_parameters.csv'. If the agents are build using :func:simulationengine.build_agents_from_file, own_parameters grants you access to the row for this agent in 'agents_parameters.csv'.
Line 2 is compulsory to pass the parameters to the abceagent.
With self.create the agent creates out of nothing the good 'labor_endowment'. Any good can be created. Generally speaking. The __init__ method is the only place where it is consistent to creat a good. (except for money, if you simulate a naive central bank).
This agent class inherited :meth:self.set_cobb_douglas_utility_function from :class:abceagent.Household. With :func:self.set_cobb_douglas_utility_function you can create a cobb-douglas function. Other functional forms are also available.
self.prices is a user dictionary. That saves prices for specific goods. Here the price for labor is set to 1.
In order to let the agent remember a simulation_parameter it has to be saved in the self domaine of the agent. (self.number_of_firms = simulation_parameters['number_of_firms'])
There is a random number assigned to self.renter and self.last_utility is intialized with None. It is often necessary to intialize variable in the __init__ method to avaid errors in the first round.
All the other methods of the agent are executed when the corresponding subround is called in [3]
so when in the action list ('household', 'eat') s called the eat methode is executed:
class Agent(abceagent.Agent, abceagent.Household) def __init__(self): self.set_cobb_douglas_utility_function({'cookies': 0.9', 'bread': 0.1}) self.create('cookies', 1) self.create('bread', 5) ... def eat(self): utility = self.consume_everything() self.log('utility', {'a': utility})
In the above example we see how a utility function is declared and and how and agent cosumes. The utility is logged and con be retrieved see Retrival of the simulation results
Firms do two things they produce (transform) and trade. [4] The following code shows you how to declare a technology and produce brad from labor and yeast.
class Agent(abceagent.Agent, abceagent. def init(self): set_cobb_douglas('BRD', 1.890, {"yeast": 0.333, "LAB": 0.667}) .. def productionround(self): self.produce_use_everything()
More details in :class:`abceagent.Firm`. :class:`abceagent.FirmMultiFirm` offers a more advanced interface for firms with complicated technologies.
ABCE handles trade fully automatically. That means, that goods are automatically blocked and exchange. The modeler has only to decide when the agent offers a trade and set the criteria to accept the trade:
# Agent 1 def selling(self): offerid = self.sell(buyer, 'BRD', 1, 2.5) self.checkorders.append(offerid) # Agent 2 def buying(self): offers = self.get_offers('cookies') for offer in offers: try: self.accept(offer) except NotEnoughGoods: self.reject(offer)
You can find a detailed explenation how trade works is :class:`abceagent.Trade`
There are three different ways of observing your agents:
ABCE by default logs all trade and creates a SAM or IO matrix.
An agent can log a variable, :meth:`abceagent.Agent.possessions`, :meth:abceagent.Agent.possessions_all` and must other methods such as :meth:`abceagent.Firm.produce` with :py:meth:`.log` or a change in a variable with :py:meth:`.log_change`:
self.log('possessions', self.possesions_all()) self.log('custom', {'price_setting': 5: 'production_value': 12}) prod = self.production_use_everything() self.log('current_production', prod)
:py:meth:`.panel_data` creates panel data for all agents in a specific agent group at a specific point in every round. It is set in
s.paneldb(’Household’, command=’aftersalesbeforeconsumption’)
The command has to be inserted in the action_list.
How to retrieve the Simulation results is explained in :ref:`simulation_results`
[2] | from __future__ import division, instructs python to handel division always as a
floating point divison. Use this in all your python code. If you do not use this 3 / 2 = 1 instead
of 3 / 2 = 1.5 (floor division). |
[3] | With the exception of methods, whose names start with a '_' underscore.underscoring methods that the agent uses only internaly can speed up your code. |
[4] | We are aware that this is not entirely accurate, they also lobby to maximize their profit. |