Download kubectl binary locally to access the newly created cluster :
Download kubectl from the Tectonic Console, or from the Kubernetes release artifact site with the cURL tool.
Use curl to fetch the Linux kubectl binary:
$ curl -O
After downloading the binary, ensure it is executable and move it into your PATH:
$ chmod +x kubectl $ sudo mv kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl Terraform generated a set of files, including a kubeconfig, which specifies the credentials for your cluster. Once logged in to the Tectonic Console, other users can download their own pre-generated kubeconfigs.
As the first admin, you have a special “root” kubeconfig. Configure kubectl to use this file:
$ export KUBECONFIG=/path/to/installer/generated/auth/kubeconfig Test that it works by getting cluster info:
$ kubectl cluster-info You should see output about the addresses of Kubernetes master. This means the API is running and healthy.