Setting up AWS infrastructure using terraform
and ansible
on aws
, gcp
and azure
The scripts will create following infrastructure components on all the clouds.
- VPC, to span all the subnets
- Subnet 1, in AZ1
- Subnet 2, in AZ2
- Subnet 3, in AZ3
- Public facing instance in Subnet 1
- to use google cloud cli, use one of the official images from:
- create a project on GCP
- generate service accounts and corresponding keys with restricted access
- login to gcp using service account keys
$ docker run --name gcloud-config -v $(pat/to/keys/on/host):/keys/ google/cloud-sdk:196.0.0-alpine gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=/keys/<key-file>.json
Activated service account credentials for: [<service-account-name>]
- authenticated gcp commands can now be executed from containers
$ sudo docker run --volumes-from gcloud-config google/cloud-sdk:196.0.0-alpine gcloud compute images --project <your-project> list
centos-6-v20180716 centos-cloud centos-6 READY
centos-7-v20180716 centos-cloud centos-7 READY
- to use azure cli, use one of the official images from :
- naming convention for extensibility
- IAM roles and access control for VPC and subnets
- define tiers
- different/same VPC for prod/dev/test
- permissions to be set accordingly