This repository ( is a wrapper containing:
GEOS-Chem (science code base);
HEMCO (Harmonized Emissions Component)
Pipeline | Status |
Build Matrix (main) | |
Quick Build (dev/gchp_13.0.0) |
This repository contains several branches. Each branch contains code updates belonging to a particular line of development.
The main branch always contains the current stable version. You should never add new code directly into this branch. Instead, open a new branch off of main and add your code there.
The dev/X.Y.Z branches always contains in-development code for upcoming version X.Y.Z. Code in dev/X.Y.Z is very much "work in progress" and should not be relied upon until it has been fully debugged, validated, and merged back into the master branch.
From time to time, you will see other branches pertaining to new lines of development being created. These branches usually will start with feature/ or bugfix/. Once the code in these branches has been sufficiently validated, these branches will be merged back into the master branch. You should not use code in these branches.
You may also see branches beginning with e.g. GEOS, CESM, etc. These branches are intended for ongoing development to connect GEOS_Chem within other Earth System Models. You may ignore the code in these branches.
GEOS-Chem versions are now denoted by 3 digits (X.Y.Z):
The X digit is the major version number. A change in X denotes that the current version contains a significant update that breaks backwards-compatibility with the prior series of GEOS-Chem versions. Major structural updates typically will require an update to X. In the past we have changed the X digit when replacing SMVGEAR with FlexChem (version 10 to version 11) and replacing legacy emissions with HEMCO (version 9 to version 10).
The Y digit is the feature version number. A change in Y denotes that a 1-month benchmark has been performed to validate a new feature or set of features. Some (but not all) Y versions will have 1-year benchmarks performed as well. In general, the Y digit changes whenever a new feature breaks backwards compatibility with one or more run directories from the prior version.
The Z digit is the bug fix (or patch) version number. A change in Z denotes that a bug fix was made that does not break backwards compatibility with run directories from the prior verison. Z will also be updated when bug fixes or minor updates are made to one or more of the GEOS-Chem "Specialty" simulations. Updating specialty simulations should not affect the output of the GEOS-Chem 1-month or 1-year benchmark simulations.
For more information, please see this wiki page:
All benchmarked GEOS-Chem versions are tagged in the Git history. Use git tag in your terminal to see a list of available tags. Tags will also be highlighted in the gitk browser window.
You can now cite GEOS-Chem in publications with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Each GEOS-Chem release will be assigned its own individual DOI. DOI's for each GEOS-Chem version will be posted on the GEOS-Chem website and GEOS-Chem wiki.
We have also generated a concept DOI, which will always point to the current stable version of GEOS-Chem (i.e. corresponding to the main branch):
The GEOS-Chem web site is a good place to get started. It will point you to many important GEOS-Chem resources.
You can find the The GEOS-Chem User's Guide online here:
NOTE: The above link currently points to Getting Started with GEOS-Chem on the GEOS-Chem wiki. In the near future, we will migrate this documentation to
The most up-to-date information about GEOS-Chem is posted on the GEOS-Chem wiki. Here you will find information about technical issues, bug fixes, and other pertinent topics.
We have created several tutorial videos at our GEOS-Chem Youtube channel ( Please take a few moments to view the following tutorials
Please report issues specific to the GCClassic wrapper at the Github issue tracker attached to this repository.
To report bugs or issues in the GEOS-Chem science code or run directory configuration files, please use the Github issue tracker on the geoschem/geos-chem repository.
GEOS-Chem (and related software) is distributed under the MIT license. Please see the license documents LICENSE.txt and AUTHORS.txt in the root folder.
13 Jan 2021 GEOS-Chem Support Team