A RocksDB backend for konserve.
(require '[konserve-jdbc.core :refer [connect-rocksdb-store]]
'[konserve.core :as k])
(def path "./tmp/rocksdb/konserve")
(def store (connect-jdbc-store db-spec :opts {:sync? true}))
(k/assoc-in store ["foo" :bar] {:foo "baz"} {:sync? true})
(k/get-in store ["foo"] nil {:sync? true})
(k/exists? store "foo" {:sync? true})
(k/assoc-in store [:bar] 42 {:sync? true})
(k/update-in store [:bar] inc {:sync? true})
(k/get-in store [:bar] nil {:sync? true})
(k/dissoc store :bar {:sync? true})
(k/append store :error-log {:type :horrible} {:sync? true})
(k/log store :error-log {:sync? true})
(let [ba (byte-array (* 10 1024 1024) (byte 42))]
(time (k/bassoc store "banana" ba {:sync? true})))
(k/bassoc store :binbar (byte-array (range 10)) {:sync? true})
(k/bget store :binbar (fn [{:keys [input-stream]}]
(map byte (slurp input-stream)))
{:sync? true})
(ns test-db
(require '[konserve-jdbc.core :refer [connect-rocksdb-store]]
'[clojure.core.async :refer [<!]]
'[konserve.core :as k])
(def path "./tmp/rocksdb/konserve")
(def store (<! (connect-jdbc-store db-path :opts {:sync? false})))
(<! (k/assoc-in store ["foo" :bar] {:foo "baz"}))
(<! (k/get-in store ["foo"]))
(<! (k/exists? store "foo"))
(<! (k/assoc-in store [:bar] 42))
(<! (k/update-in store [:bar] inc))
(<! (k/get-in store [:bar]))
(<! (k/dissoc store :bar))
(<! (k/append store :error-log {:type :horrible}))
(<! (k/log store :error-log))
(<! (k/bassoc store :binbar (byte-array (range 10)) {:sync? false}))
(<! (k/bget store :binbar (fn [{:keys [input-stream]}]
(map byte (slurp input-stream)))
{:sync? false}))
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Licensed under Eclipse Public License (see LICENSE).