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OpenMVG + OpenMVS Pipeline

Photogrammetry pipeline using OpenMVG and OpenMVS.

(Also includes CMVS and COLMAP).



You can either use spedenaave/dpg image from the docker hub or build it by yourself by first cloning the repository and then using docker build -t dpg . command.

Be adviced that the default setting of docker for windows and mac only give the container access to a very limited amount of system resources. You can increase the amount of cpu cores and memory from the advanced settings.

Linux (or Windows Subsystem for Linux)

This method will build and install required binaries directly to your linux installation. It is not recommended!

git clone /tmp/dpg && cd /tmp/dpg
sudo ./

Example usage

Mesh Reconstruction with Textures by using Incremental Structure from Motion

In this short example we first clone an example dataset to /tmp/example, then start docker with -v argument to mount /tmp/example to /datasets inside the container, and finally we the run pipeline.

git clone /tmp/example
docker run -v /tmp/example:/datasets --rm -it spedenaave/dpg --input /datasets/images --output /datasets/output --sfm-type incremental --geomodel f --run-openmvg --run-openmvs

You should now have a reconstructed model at /tmp/example/omvs folder. Use meshlab or something similar to open it. The end result should look something like this: Example 1

Pipeline Options

General Options:

        Print this text

        Print commands and exit

    --input [directory]
        Image input directory

    --output [directory]
        Output directory

    --sfm-type [string]
        Select SfM mode from Global SfM or Incremental SfM. Possible values:
        Run OpenMVG SfM pipeline

        Run OpenMVS MVS pipeline
Optional settings:

        Recompute everything

    --openmvg [path]
        Set OpenMVG install location
    --openmvs [path]
        Set OpenMVS install location


    Image Listing:

            Each view have it's own camera intrinsic parameters

        --flength [float]
            If your camera is not listed in the camera sensor database, you can set pixel focal length here.
            The value can be calculated by max(width-pixels, height-pixels) * focal length(mm) / Sensor width

        --cmodel [int]
            Camera model:
            1: Pinhole
            2: Pinhole Radial 1
            3: Pinhole Radial 3 (default)
            4: Pinhole brown
            5: Pinhole with a simple Fish-eye distortion

    Compute Features:

        --descmethod [string]
            Method to describe an image:
                SIFT (default)

        --dpreset [string]
            Used to control the Image_describer configuration

    Compute Matches:

        --ratio [float]
            Nearest Neighbor distance ratio (smaller is more restrictive => Less false positives)
            Default: 0.8

        --geomodel [char]
            Compute Matches geometric model:
            f: Fundamental matrix filtering (default)
                For Incremental SfM
            e: Essential matrix filtering
                For Global SfM
            h: Homography matrix filtering
                For datasets that have same point of projection
        --matching [string]
            Compute Matches Nearest Matching Method:
            BRUTEFORCEL2: BruteForce L2 matching for Scalar based regions descriptor,
            ANNL2: Approximate Nearest Neighbor L2 matching for Scalar based regions descriptor,
            CASCADEHASHINGL2: L2 Cascade Hashing matching,
            FASTCASCADEHASHINGL2: (default)
                * L2 Cascade Hashing with precomputed hashed regions, (faster than CASCADEHASHINGL2 but use more memory).

    Incremental SfM:

        --icmodel [int]
            The camera model type that will be used for views with unknown intrinsic
            1: Pinhole
            2: Pinhole radial 1
            3: Pinhole radial 3 (default)
            4: Pinhole radial 3 + tangential 2
            5: Pinhole fisheye

    Global SfM:

        --grotavg [int]
            1: L1 rotation averaging [Chatterjee]
            2: L2 rotation averaging [Martinec] (default)

        --gtransavg [int]
            1: L1 translation averaging [GlobalACSfM]
            2: L2 translation averaging [Kyle2014]
            3: SoftL1 minimization [GlobalACSfM] (default)


        Make OpenMVS output obj instead of ply (default)


            Enable dense reconstruction
            Default: Off
            Only densify (duh)

        --dnumviews [int]
            Number of views used for depth-map estimation
            0 all neighbor views available
            Default: 4
        --dnumviewsfuse [int]
            Minimum number of images that agrees with an estimate during fusion in order to consider it
            Default: 3

        --dreslevel [int]
            How many times to scale down the images before point cloud computation. For better accuracy/speed width
            high resolution images use 2 or even 3
            Default: 1

        --rcthickness [int]
            ReconstructMesh Thickness Factor
            Default: 2
        --rcdistance [int]
            Minimum distance in pixels between the projection of two 3D points to consider them different while
            triangulating (0 to disable). Use to reduce amount of memory used with a penalty of lost detail
            Default: 2

        --rmiterations [int]
            Number of RefineMesh iterations
            Default: 3

        --rmlevel [int]
            Times to scale down the images before mesh refinement
            Default: 0

            Use CUDA version of RefineMesh binary (will fall back the executable is not found)
    Texture Mesh:

        --txemptycolor [int]
            Color of surfaces OpenMVS TextureMesh is unable to texture.
            Default: 0 (black)


OpenMVG + OpenMVS Pipeline






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