Wanikanjector replaces English words with their Japanese equivalent in kanji using the WaniKani API.
However, there's a catch: By default, only words you've learned from WaniKani are replaced.
Features / Development Progress:
- Enable/disable running automatically when loading a tab.
- Blacklist sites to prevent replacing text.
- Hover over words to see the original text.
- Click words to toggle their language.
- Run on-demand or toggle the language for the entire page upon clicking a button in the extension pop-up menu.
- Optionally ignore learning progress when replacing.
- Optionally replace all meanings of words, not just the primary one.
- Intelligently handle English synonyms.
- Intelligently handle English homonyms.
- Optionally color-coordinate kanji by level (apprentice, guru, etc.).
- Optionally highlight learned kanji on sites originally in Japanese.
- Optionally add furigana to unlearned kanji.
- Import custom vocabulary from outside of WaniKani.
- Hover over words to see hiragana readings.
- Hover over words to see links to dictionary entries.
- Generate a list of all kanji/vocabulary that appears on the page.