This is an example to implement a simple like button using supabase realtime subscription to keep the number of likes in sync across all clients
The relevent files are:
├── app
| ├── root.tsx // init the supabase on the client side and wrapper the outlet with Supabse provider
| ├── routes
| │ └── realtime.tsx // client subscribe to supabase events and trigger refresh on insert events
| └── utils
| └── supabaseClient.server.tsx // create supabase client on the server side
└── .env // holds supabase credentails and url
- Copy
to create a new file.env
cp .env.example .env
- Go to{PROJECT}/api?page=auth to find your secrets
- Add your
- create a table "clicks", with a columns of id as primary key ( the table default )
Open this example on CodeSandbox:
the '/realtime' route renders a "like" button that keep track of number of likes. open the route in two tabs and click on the button, you should see the like number is updated in both tabs.