An Open Source Internet Speed Analysis Tool
See live example at
Speed Monitor tracks internet speeds over time by performing a speed test at set intervals (for example 15 minutes), and displaying the results using Google Charts API. If an internet speed test drops below a predefined threshold, an email is sent to notify the administrator, and a tweet is sent to the ISP.
- Download using the "Download ZIP" button
- Unzip to a web directory
- Remove and from the web directory, move them to any non web directory like ~/scripts
- Create the database that will be used by running the MySQL_db_skeleton.sql file on your MySQL database
- Create a MySQL user with access only to the database created above
- Edit db_config.php and, add your database information
- Enter your down_speed, up_speed, and down_limit in
- Create a twitter account. Then go to You will need to generate Key and Access tokens, then enter them into for twitter authentication
- Create a Cronjob to run ~/scripts/ as frequently as desired. For example, every 15 minutes
TIP: Use "~/scripts/ > /dev/null 2>&1" as the location of your Cron Job script to redirect script output to /dev/null (so you won't get email notifications every time it runs)
WARNING: Not recommended for use on a metered internet connection (Satellite/4G/others), uses lots of bandwidth while performing speed tests (About 250mb/per test on my 100mbps connection)