It would be interesting to have an option in the "Tools" dropdown list to automatically find a suitable motor given the parameters proposed by the user. I've done a similar thing using scipy.optimize, and some of you may be familiar with Matlab's fminsearch/fmincon.
The parameters given as constraints are:
- Mean Pressure: average pressure developed after a simulation
- Port ratio: set minimum Port/Throat ratio to reduce effects of erosive burning
- Peak Pressure: peak pressure developed after a simulation
- Kn variation: maximum allowed Kn variation throughout the burn
- Maximum Mass Flux: reduce effects of erosive burning
The parameters given as input/goals are:
- Total impulse
The parameters given as bounds are:
- Min and Max outer diameter (BATES)
- Min and Max inner diameter (BATES)
- Min and Max length (BATES)
The output design parameters are:
- Number of grains
- Length of grains
- Inner and outer diameter of grains
- Nozzle configuration
Python code as a concept:
def optimize_for_impulse():
constraint = [{'type' : 'ineq', 'fun' : restraint_mean_pressure},
{'type' : 'ineq', 'fun' : restraint_port_ratio},
{'type' : 'ineq', 'fun' : restraint_peak_pressure},
{'type' : 'ineq', 'fun' : restraint_kn_variation},
{'type' : 'ineq', 'fun' : restraint_mass_flux}]
bounds = ((0.005, 0.01), (0.05, 0.225), (0.003, 0.015))
it = 0
while (True):
initial_guess = [random.uniform(0.005, 0.03664*0.6), random.uniform (0.1, 0.225), random.uniform(0.005, 0.015)]
a = optimize.minimize(optimize_total_impulse, initial_guess, bounds=bounds, constraints=constraint )
if a.success and < 10:
return a.x, it
elif it > 500:
print("No suitable configuration was found in ", it, "iterations.")
it += 1
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