this project will help normal people to understand deaf people by taking a video file or video from webcam and translate the hand's sign in it.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your computer for development and testing purposes.
- you need to have an account in azure custom vision for hand's sign classification. if you don't have, click this link to start creating one.
- Python version 3 or later.
- OpenCV package for python write this command line in 'cmd' to install it after you install python.
$pip install opencv-python
once you clone this project to your computer, please check these lines of code and complete what is asking you before running the program.
line 15: 'Prediction-Key': '<enter your predection kay>',
line 17: 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-id': '<enter your Subscription id>'
line 22: 'application': '<enter your service name>'
line 25: file_path = "<put your video file_path>"
line 45: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection('') # use your endpoint here as this example
line 46: conn.request("POST", "<enter your project id>/classify/iterations/<enter your iteratin name>/image?%s"
when you run the code with video file or webcam you git output like this
b'{"id":"**********","project":"**********","iteration":"**********","created":"****-**-*****:**:**.****","predictions":[{"probability":0.791616261,"tagId":"30768361-7f2d-4911-9ac0-961f68c628fd","tagName":"No hand sign"},...
once you done, go and translate a sign language to enrich your service by tagging what you catch.
- Anaconda - The World's Most Popular Python/R Data Science Platform
- Atom - A hackable text editor built by GitHub
- OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision Library
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Raghad Al-Jabr - Initial work - self-speech
- Advanced Electronics Company
- Engineer.Abdulaziz AlSadhan
- Engineer.Mohammad AlJabr
- Dev.Hessa AlZamel