API using Java, Spring Boot, Docker, Testcontainers, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Kafka, LocalStack, SQS, S3, JWT, Swagger.
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Docker
- Testcontainers
- PostgreSQL
- MongoDB
- Kafka
- LocalStack
- AWS S3
- Swagger
IntelliJ IDEA
- Execute docker compose up --detach --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans in docker directory.
- Open source directory in IntelliJ IDEA.
- Select Application.java class.
- Click Run or Debug.
- Open http://localhost:8080.
- Execute docker compose up --detach --build --force-recreate --remove-orphans in docker directory.
- Open http://localhost:8090.
- Api: Feign Main | Tests
- AWS: Amazon Web Services Main | Tests
- Auth: Authentication and Authorization Main | Tests
- Book: Mediator Pattern Main | Tests
- Category: Cache Main | Tests
- Game: Mocks Main | Tests
- Group: Groups Main | Tests
- Invoice: PostgreSQL Main | Tests
- Location: Flat Object to Nested Object Main | Tests
- Movie: Outbox Pattern Main | Tests
- Notification: Kafka Main | Tests
- Payment: Strategy Pattern Main | Tests
- Product: MongoDB Main | Tests
- User: Business Rules Main | Tests