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Guide to Programming with Music Blocks

Music Blocks is a programming environment for children interested in music and graphics. It expands upon Turtle Blocks in that it has a collection of features relating to pitch and rhythm.

The Turtle Blocks guide is a good place to start learning about the basics. In this guide, we illustrate the music features walking the reader through numerous examples.

Getting Started

Music Blocks is designed to run in a browser. Most of the development has been done in Chrome, but it should also work in Firefox (although you may need to disable hardware acceleration). You can run it from the github repo or github io]( or by downloading a copy of the code and running directly from the file system of your computer. (Note that the off-line branch is optimized to run on systems without internet access.)

For more details on how to use Music Blocks, see Using Music Blocks and for more details on how to use Turtle Blocks, see Using Turtle Blocks JS.


Many of the examples given in the guide have links to code you can run. Look for RUN LIVE links that will take you to


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Once you've launched Music Blocks in your browser, start by clicking on the Pitch-time Matrix that appears in the middle of the screen. (For the moment, ignore the Start block.) You'll see a grid organized vertically by pitch and horizontally by rhythm.

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Because the matrix had three pitch blocks, you see three rows, one for each pitch. (A fourth row at the bottom is used for specifying the rhythms associated with each note.)

Because there is just one Rhythm block, which specifies three quarter notes, there are just three columns for selecting notes.

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By clicking on individual cells in the grid, you should hear individual notes (or chords if you click on more than one cell in a column). In the figure, three quarter notes are selected (black cells). First Re 4 (D4), followed by Mi 4 (E4), followed by Sol 4 (G4).

<img src="' height="36" If you click on the Play button (found in the top row of the grid), you will hear a sequence of notes played (from left to right): D4 E4 G4.

<img src="' height="36" Once you have a group of notes (a "chunk") that you like, click on the Save button (just to the right of the Play button). This will create a stack of blocks that can used to play these same notes programmatically. (More on that below.)

You can rearrange the selected notes in the grid and safe other chunks as well.

<img src="' height="36" Or hide the grid by clicking on the Close button (the right-most button in the top row of the grid.)

<img src="' height="36" There is also an Erase button that will clear the grid.

Don't worry. You can reopen the grid at anytime and since you can define as many chunks as you want, feel free to experiment.

Tip: You can put a chunk inside a Pitch-time Matrix block to generate the matrix to corresponds to that chunk.

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The chunk created when you click on the matrix is a stack of blocks. The blocks are nested: an Action block contains three Note blocks, each of which contains a Pitch block. The Action block has a name automatically generated by the matrix, in this case, chunk. (You can rename the action by clicking on the name.). Each note has a duration (in this case 4, which represents a quarter note). Try putting different numbers in and see (hear) what happens. Each note block also has a pitch block (if it were a chord, there would be multiple pitch blocks nested inside the Note block's clamp). Each pitch block has a pitch name (Re, Mi, and Sol), and a pitch octave; in this example, the octave is 4 for each pitch. (Try changing the pitch names and the pitch octaves.)

To play the chuck, simply click on the action block (on the word action). You should hear the notes play, ordered from top to bottom.

About the Pitch Block

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As we have seen, Pitch blocks are used inside the Pitch-time Matrix block to indicate pitches you may want to select. They are also used inside of Note blocks to specify the pitch(s) to be played when the Note block is run.

You can plug different values into the Pitch block name and octave slots. Some examples are shown above. Starting from the top, the pitch name block is specified using a Solfege block; the pitch name is specified using a Pitch-name block; the pitch name is specified using a Number block (frequency in Hertz); the pitch name is specified using a Text block.

The octave is specified using a number block and is restricted to whole numbers. In the case where the pitch name is specified by frequency, the octave is ignored.

Note that the rest keyword used in a Pitch block will not be voiced.

About the Rhythm Block

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Rhythm blocks are used to generate rhythm patterns in the Pitch-time Matrix. The top argument to the Rhythm block is the number of notes. The bottom argument is the duration of the note. In the top example above, three columns for quarter notes would be generated in the grid. In the middle example, one column for an eighth note would be generated. In the bottom example, seven columns for 16th notes would be generated.

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You can use as many Rhythm blocks as you'd like inside the Pitch-time Matrix block. In the above example, two Rhythm blocks are used, resulting in three quarter notes and six eighth notes.

Creating Tuplets

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Tuplets are a collection of notes that get scaled to a specific duration. Using tuplets makes it easy to create groups of notes that are not based on a power of 2. In the example above, three quarter notes -- defined in the Rhythm block -- are played in the time of a single quarter note. The result is three twelfth notes.

You can mix and match Rhythm blocks and Tuplets when defining your grid.

Using individual notes in the matrix

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You can also use individual notes when defining the grid. These blocks will expand into rhythm blocks with corresponding values.


The remainder of this guide discusses how to use the chunks created by the Pitch-time Matrix when programming (You can also program with chunks you create and/or modify by hand).

  1. A chunk of notes

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Every time you create a new stack, Music Blocks creates a new block specific to that stack. (The new block is found at the bottom of the Block palette, found on the left edge of the screen.) Clicking on this block is the same as clicking on your stack. In the example above, the chunk block is inside of a Start block, which ties it to the Run button in the upper-left corner of the screen (the Rabbit button). Try clicking on the Run button. Also try the Run Slow button (the Turtle).

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You can repeat chunks either by using multiple chunk blocks or using a Repeat block.

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You can also mix and match chunks. Here we play chunk, followed by chunk1 twice, and then chunk again.

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A few more chunks and we can make a song. (Can you read the block notation in order to guess what song we've programmed?)

  1. Transformations

There are many ways to transform pitch, rhythm, and other qualities of the sound.

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The Sharp and Flat blocks can be wrapped around Pitch blocks, Note blocks, or chunks. A sharp will raise the pitch by one half step. A flat will lower by one half step. In the example, on the left, just the Pitch block Mi is lowered by one half step; on the right, both pitch blocks are raised by one half step.

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The Transposition block can be used to make larger shifts in pitch. To shift an entire octave, transpose by 12 half-steps up. -12 will shift an octave down.

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In the example above, we take the song we programmed previously and raise it by one octave.

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You can "dot" notes using the Dot block. A dotted note extends by 50%. E.g., a dotted quarter note will play for 3/8 of a beat. A dotted eighth note will play for 3/16 of a beat.

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You can also multiply (or divide) the beat factor, which will speed up or slowdown the notes.

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There are several ways to repeat notes. The Repeat block will play a sequence of notes multiple times; the Duplicate block will repeat each note in a sequence.

In the example, on the left, the result would be Sol, Re, Sol, Sol, Re, Sol, Sol, Re, Sol, Sol, Re, Sol; on the right the result would be Sol, Sol, Sol, Sol, Re, Re, Re, Re, Sol, Sol, Sol, Sol.

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Swing works on pairs of notes, adding some duration to the first note and taking the same amount from the second note.

Tie also works on pairs of notes, combining them into one note. (The notes must be identical in pitch, but can vary in rhythm.)

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Set volume will change the volume of the notes. The default is 50; the range is 0 (silence) to 100 (full volume).

Crescendo will increase (or decrease) the volume of the contained notes by an amount specified.

Staccato will play back notes in tight bursts while maintaining the specified rhymic value of the notes.

Slur will run a note past its noted duration, blending it into the next note.

  1. Voices

Each Start block runs as a separate voice in Music blocks. (When you click on the Run button, all of the Start blocks are run concurrently.)

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If we put our song into an action...

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...we can run it from multiple Start blocks.

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It gets more interesting if we shift up and down octaves.

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And even more interesting if we bring the various voices offset in time.

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We can also launch the phrases (chunks) interactively. In this case, when the mouse is in the lower-left quadrant, chunk is played; lower-right quadrant, chunk1; upper-left quadrant, chunk2; and upper-right quadrant, chunk3.

  1. Adding graphics

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Turtle graphics can be combined with the music blocks. In this example, each time the pitch is raised by one half step, the pen size decreases and the pen color increases.

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The output of the program after running five times.

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In this example, the graphics are synchronized to the music by placing the graphics commands inside of note blocks.

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In this example, because the computation and graphics are more complex, a "drift" block is used to decouple the graphics from the master clock.

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  1. Extras

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The Save as Lilypond block will transcribe your composition. The output of the program above is saved to Downloads/ There is also a Save as Lilypond button on the secondary toolbar.

\version "2.18.2"

mouse = {
c'8 c'8 c'8 c'8 c'4 c'4 g'8 g'8 g'8 g'8 g'4 g'4 a'8 a'8 a'8 a'8 a'4
a'4 g'8 g'8 g'8 g'8 g'4 g'4 f'8 f'8 f'8 f'8 f'4 f'4 e'8 e'8 e'8 e'8
e'4 e'4 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'8 d'4 d'4 c'8 c'8 c'8 c'8 c'4 c'4

\score {
\new Staff = "treble" {
\clef "treble"
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"mouse" \mouse
\layout { }

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