Example of jqFilter usage to triggered a hook on changing namespace labels.
Build shell-operator image with custom scripts:
$ docker build -t "registry.mycompany.com/shell-operator:monitor-namespaces" .
$ docker push registry.mycompany.com/shell-operator:monitor-namespaces
Edit image in shell-operator-pod.yaml and apply manifests:
$ kubectl create ns example-monitor-namespaces
$ kubectl -n example-monitor-namespaces apply -f shell-operator-rbac.yaml
$ kubectl -n example-monitor-namespaces apply -f shell-operator-pod.yaml
Create ns to trigget onKuberneteEvent:
$ kubectl create ns foobar
See in logs that hook was run:
$ kubectl -n example-monitor-namespaces logs po/shell-operator
Namespace foobar was created
$ kubectl delete ns/example-monitor-namespaces
$ docker rmi registry.mycompany.com/shell-operator:monitor-namespaces