This app is geared towards people who need a simple media outlet that encourages positivity and provides entertainment by showing good and interesting stories that are happening around the world. Anyone who uses the internet these days seem to constantly be bombarded with the next awful thing that's happening. positiviTEA keeps it simple by providing you one interesting story and random motivational quote. A user is presented with a brief description or can choose to view more by clicking the link and navigate to the full article in a new browser window. The user can then either save that story for later to be accessed in their saved stories or randomly generate another.
When the application is launched, the user will be shown the landing page of the application. From here, the user can click the button and be directed to the main story page with a quote and news story.
While on this page, a user can either choose to view the full story by clicking the view more link, favorite the story or generate a new one.
A user can then choose to view the stories they have favorited by clicking the bookmark icon.
From here, a user can see the stories they have saved, click the title to see the full article or delete the story from their saved ones.
this repositorygit clone
it down to your command line- Navigate into the repository on your machine
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm start
I utilized GitHub Projects for project management, that board can be found here
The detailed spec for this project can be found here
Planning and wireframing can be found here
- Finding an API that was easy to work with and provided data that I could use.
- This project was given without many guidelines, so coming up with an idea on my own was a challenge.
- Stubbing my network requests using cypress turned into the biggest challenge of all because of how I am querying with randomized keywords.
- Successfully figuring out how to stub the network requests!
- Using all the new technologies I have learned over the last 5 weeks successfully and on my own.
- Navigating the challenges I did face wisely; I found it to be beneficial to be honest with my project managers about the struggles I was facing, did lots of research to problem solve on my own and reached out for help from cohort mates when I needed.
- React
- React Router
- React Hooks
- Local Storage
- Cypress
- Allowing users to filter stories based on the subject they want to read about.
This project was designed and implemented by Rachel Buchta