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not for production.

Install XCodeGen

You can ignore this step if xcodegen has been installed already.

$ brew install xcodegen

Setup Project

$ cd project-dir
$ xcodegen

open the project, select simulator as the target, then press Command+U to run the tests.

Intergrate your project with cocoapods

  1. add pod dependency pod 'QuickJS_iOS'
  2. add header import #import <QuickJS_iOS/QuickJS_iOS.h>


Object for inject to javascript

@interface TestObject : NSObject


@implementation TestObject

- (NSArray *)test:(NSNumber *)a :(NSString *)b :(NSNumber *)c {
    NSLog(@"%@ %@ %@", a, b, c);
    return @[@"a", @NO, @(123)];


Sample for invoke ObjectiveC api from js

// prepare runtime & context
QJSRuntime *runtime = [[QJSRuntime alloc] init];
QJSContext *context = [runtime newContext];

// get global object
QJSValue *globalValue = [context getGlobalValue];
// set global variable
[globalValue setObject:[TestObject new] forKey:@"testval"];
// invoke objc instance api from javascript
[context eval:@"testval.test(1, 'a', false);"]

Sample for call javascript function in ObjectiveC

@protocol TestProtocol<NSObject>

- (id)javascriptAddFunc:(id)arg1 :(id)arg2


QJSRuntime *runtime = [[QJSRuntime alloc] init];
QJSContext *context = [runtime newContext];
QJSValue *destObject = [context eval:@"var a = {javascriptAddFunc: function(a, b){return a * 10 + b;}}; a;"];
id<TestProtocol> obj = [destObject asProtocol:@protocol(TestProtocol)];
id retValue = [obj javascriptAddFunc:@(1):@(2)];

You can find more samples in file: QuickJS_iOSTest.m