OIDC Dynamic TenantConfigResolver issue in dev mode #42713
Describe the bug
As requested by @sberyozkin, a bug report for a few issues which are going wrong when using OIDC Config Resolver, also known as dynamic clients.
Dev Services won't start when default tenant disabled
The dev-services won't start when the default tenant is disabled. But they should start as normal as it could be the
case you want only dynamic configurations and no default configuration. A realm import for dev services could supply
all needed dynamic clients.
I worked around this by disabling the default tenant on boot in this reproducer, see the DummyTenantIdHeaderFilter
Resolved Tenant ID not backed by actual OIDC client
offered through the RoutingContext
in the public Uni<OidcTenantConfig> resolve(RoutingContext context, OidcRequestContext<OidcTenantConfig> requestContext)
method of the TenantConfigResolver
used by Quarkus to notify us of an earlier resolved tenant-id. It fails however to verify if the OidcTenantConfig for
that specific tenant-id is still present. Use the following steps to reproduce the issue:
- Start the application in dev-mode
- Clear all cookies for http://localhost:8080
- Open http://localhost:8080
- Log in with bob/bob
- Restart the application in dev-mode
- Reload http://localhost:8080
- You now get a status 401, where you would expect to get a login screen.
The only way to fix it is to fully restart Quarkus in dev-mode.
Hot Code Reload in Dev Mode breaks dynamic configuration
If you alter code e.g. change the string in GreetingResource
and reload the page dev-mode will perform a hot code
reload and you end up with a ID token verification has failed: Client is closed
log message and a status 401. Use
the following steps to reproduce the issue:
- Start, (restart if still running) the application in dev-mode.
- Clear all cookies for http://localhost:8080
- Go to http://localhost:8080
- Login with bob/bob
- Alter the test in
- Reload http://localhost:8080
- You now get a status 401 and the
ID token verification has failed: Client is closed
message in the logs.
The only way to fix it is to fully restart Quarkus in dev-mode.
Expected behavior
The expected behavior in this case should be the reproducer steps should not give failures.
Actual behavior
See the reproducer project here https://github.com/bpasson/quarkus-issue-42713
How to Reproduce?
See the reproducer project here https://github.com/bpasson/quarkus-issue-42713
Output of uname -a
or ver
Darwin Kernel Version 23.6.0: Mon Jul 29 21:14:30 PDT 2024; root:xnu-10063.141.2~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T6000 arm64
Output of java -version
openjdk version "21.0.4" 2024-07-16 LTS
Quarkus version or git rev
Build tool (ie. output of mvnw --version
or gradlew --version
Apache Maven 3.9.8 (36645f6c9b5079805ea5009217e36f2cffd34256)
Additional information
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