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base repository: quantopian/qgrid
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base: v1.3.0
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head repository: quantopian/qgrid
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compare: master
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  • 3 commits
  • 7 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Mar 4, 2020

  1. BLD: Fix final test install (#296)

    gerrymanoim authored Mar 4, 2020
    Copy the full SHA
    c57356d View commit details

Commits on Apr 7, 2020

  1. ENH: Support for JupyterLab 2 (#301)

    * JupyterLab 2 compatebility
    - Update the python package coupling to the JupyterLab extension to be
    less strict, allowing for a coupling to `^1.1.2` instead of exactly
    `^1.1.1`. This is very relevant if we make a small bump to the extension
    but don't want to make a new release of qgrid, or if qgrid would be
    installed by conda and it's availability was delayed so the newer npm
    package was available but the python package was outdated and coupled to
    the old versions specifically.
    - Move various loaders that are only used by webpack to build the json
    files from being dependencies to being devDependencies.
    - Bump versions of various dependencies to avoid security issues found
    in packages by npm.
    * Use labextension link instead of install for local dev
    A good rule of thumb according to this @vidartf.
    consideRatio authored Apr 7, 2020
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    d5240d5 View commit details
  2. Align version requirements (#304)

    In #301 I forgot to bump this to 1.1.3, which probably is a harmless
    mistake, but it can be good for anyone in the future to have an easier
    time making the next release to have this align with the other versions.
    consideRatio authored Apr 7, 2020
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    877b420 View commit details