Check out the releases (darwin is OSX)
We welcome contributions from everyone. Contributions may take the form of code, documentation, bug reports, feature requests, and any other activity that will improve QMK Firmware Flasher. We ask that you follow a few guidelines when contributing:
- Be excellent to each other
- The primary audience for this tool is non-technical
- Indent your code with 2 spaces and use One True Brace Style.
This app uses Node.js. To get started you will need to download and install an appropriate version.
Download and install the version that best fits your situation.
If you have homebrew installed you can install node that way:
brew install node
To run the app in development mode, enter the directory and:
npm install && npm start
Setup your environment:
- Install electron-packager globally (npm install -g electron-packager)
- (If on Linux or OSX) Install wine (brew install wine)
- Run "npm install"
script will build a release in ~/dist/win32
script will build a release in ~/dist/darwin