Browse Dash docsets using Ivy.
M-x package-install RET counsel-dash RET
Make sure counsel-dash.el
is in your load-path
and then:
(require 'counsel-dash)
This is a simple wrapper around helm-dash, of which you should check out for implementation details.
Unfortunately helm-dash depends on helm, so this package also implicitly depends on helm - even though helm isn't really necessary. In the future, helm-dash may be decoupled into a separate library that provides dash capabilities only. At that point we will switch over to the new library - the API will remain unchanged.
You'll find most of the available functions and configuration variables are
exactly the same as helm-dash with a
different prefix (s/helm-dash/counsel-dash/
.) This is because they are simply
aliases to the helm-dash equivalents.
M-x counsel-dash-install-docset
(setq counsel-dash-common-docsets '("Javascript" "HTML"))
(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local counsel-dash-docsets '("Emacs Lisp"))))
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook (lambda () (setq-local counsel-dash-docsets '("Ruby"))))
(setq counsel-dash-docsets-path "~/.docset")
(setq counsel-dash-docsets-url "")
(setq counsel-dash-min-length 3)
(setq counsel-dash-candidate-format "%d %n (%t)")
(setq counsel-dash-enable-debugging nil)
(setq counsel-dash-browser-func 'browse-url)
(setq counsel-dash-ignored-docsets nil)
M-x counsel-dash