This folder contains a
file that executes all
the training scripts using sbatch
with the default configuration and long them
into a common WandB project.
This script is to be executed before every release to assess the performance of
the various algorithms available in torchrl. The name of the project will include
the specific commit of torchrl used to run the scripts (e.g. torchrl-examples-check-<commit>
To display the script usage, you can use the --help
./ --help
The following setup should allow you to run the scripts:
export MUJOCO_GL=egl
conda create -n rl-sota-bench python=3.10 -y
conda install anaconda::libglu -y
pip3 install --pre torch torchvision --index-url
pip3 install "gymnasium[accept-rom-license,atari,mujoco]" vmas tqdm wandb pygame "moviepy<2.0.0" imageio submitit hydra-core transformers
cd /path/to/tensordict
python develop
cd /path/to/torchrl
python develop