A JavaScript Runtimer developed with Rust using the Google V8 Engine
- @pxsty0 main and sole developer
--> index.js
console.log("developed by mustafa 'pxsty' kok"); // prints the entered arguments on a new line in order
console.time(); // starts the timer optional parameter can be entered uses the “default” parameter as standard
console.timeEnd(); // terminates the timer and prints the elapsed time
process; // It contains 2 objects, os and env
process.os; // contains functions that return information about the system
console.log(process.os.type()); // prints the type of operating system
console.log(process.os.version()); // prints the version of the operating system
console.log(process.os.bitness()); // prints how many bits the operating system is
process.env; // used to read data from the env file
console.log(process.env.developer); // prints data with the key “developer” in env
require; // modules are used when calling
require("./module.js")(); // executes the called module
lizzard; // contains the internal libraries of lizzardjs, currently contains fs
lizzard.fs; // internal library used to manage the file system
console.log(lizzard.fs.writeFile("./lizzard.txt", "mustafa 'pxsty' kok")); //writes the data "mustafa ’pxsty' kok” to the file “lizzard.txt'
console.log(lizzard.fs.appendFile("./lizzard.txt", "\npxsty")); // Adds “pxsty” data to “lizzard.txt” file
console.log(lizzard.fs.exists("./lizzard.txt")); // Checks for the existence of the file “lizzard.txt”
console.log(lizzard.fs.readFile("./lizzard.txt")); // Reads the file “lizzard.txt”
console.log(lizzard.fs.mkdir("./", "lizzard")); // Creates the “lizzard” folder in the path “./”
.fetch("https://httpbin.org/post", {
body: JSON.stringify({ run_with: "LizzardJS" }),
.then((data) => {
console.log("reject output returned");
console.log(`statusCode : ${data.statusCode}`);
console.log(`response : ${data.response}`);
.catch((err) => {
console.log(`reject output returned : ${err}`);
--> printInfo.js
() => {
return "developed by mustafa 'pxsty' kok";
--> .env
developer=mustafa pxsty kok