A web based game template for game jams.
This project can jump start a game jam by providing a shell of a game; ready to be filled with game logic and content, so less time is spent setting up a game.
It provides a basic structure with some common components:
- Bootloader
- Loading Screen
- Main Menu
- About / Credits
- Game-play Screen
It comes with build scripts that make it possible to target:
- Windows
- Mac OS X
- Linux
- Android
- iOS (Future)
Copy or fork it. Modify it. Create a game.
Program a game with the following:
- Javascript
- Phaser
- ThreeJS (Optional)
Target the web, desktops, and mobile platforms with:
- NW.js
- Cordova
To use all of this project's features, the following programs are required:
- nodejs
- npm (node package manager)
- grunt-cli
Checkout or download this project for GitHub.
Install nodejs and npm.
For Windows, it's possible to download it from https://nodejs.org/en/download.
Install grunt-cli, via the command line:
npm install -g grunt-cli
From the same console, navigate to the gjweb root directory.
Install its dependencies, via the command line (this can take a few minutes):
npm install
Use the following commands to create debug builds:
npm run build_web
npm run build_desktop
npm run build_android
npm run build_mobile
npm run build
npm run build will build for all possible targets.
Use the following commands to create release builds:
npm run release_web
npm run release_desktop
npm run release_android
npm run release_mobile
npm run release
npm run release will build release builds for all possible targets.
Resulting debug builds will populate /path/to/gjweb/build/debug/gametitle. Resulting release builds will populate /path/to/gjweb/build/debug/gametitle-.
The build directories will be contain the follow target subdirectories.
- win64
- osx64
- linux64
- android
- ios (Future)
- web
To run the web version of the game (particularly during development), set up a web server to point to the root direcctory of gjweb.
It's possible to create a basic web server with this Python command:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8081 /path/to/gjweb
Then, navigate a web server to:
It's possible to start Google Chrome with the following parameter to allow a web browser to read directly from the gjweb file system directory:
google-chrome --allow-file-access-from-files
Desktop OS executables are accessible in the build directories mentioned in the Building section.
APKs are accessible in the android build directory mentioned in the Building section.