keychain_dumper does not work anymore on my iPhoneSE with iOS 14. Following happened:
iPhone-von-MartinSE:/private/var/Keychains root# ./keychain_dumper -a
[INFO] No Generic Password Keychain items found.
[HINT] You should unlock your device!
[INFO] No Internet Password Keychain items found.
[HINT] You should unlock your device!
[INFO] No Identity Keychain items found.
[HINT] You should unlock your device!
[INFO] No Certificate Keychain items found.
[HINT] You should unlock your device!
[INFO] No Key Keychain items found.
[HINT] You should unlock your device!
iPhone-von-MartinSE:/private/var/Keychains root#
Although the device is unlocked, jailbroken (by checkra1n), and the keychain_dumper is executable. The command 'keychain_dumper -e' does work, but 'keychain_dumper -s' and entering a number causes the same result as above.