Package putils contains utility functions for PTerm, to make it's usage even easier!
It contains pre-made functions, that utilize PTerm, to print various stuff to the terminal.
You can use PUtils, to simplify various scenarios for which PTerm is frequently used.\
You can read the documentation of this package here.
Feel free to contribute your utility functions via pull request!
func BulletListFromString(s string, padding string) pterm.BulletListPrinter
func BulletListFromStrings(s []string, padding string) pterm.BulletListPrinter
func BulletListItemFromString(text string, padding string) pterm.BulletListItem
func CenterText(text string) string
func DefaultTableFromStructSlice(structSlice any) *pterm.TablePrinter
func DownloadFileWithDefaultProgressbar(title, outputPath, url string, mode os.FileMode) error
func DownloadFileWithProgressbar(progressbar *pterm.ProgressbarPrinter, outputPath, url string, mode os.FileMode) error
func LettersFromString(text string) pterm.Letters
func LettersFromStringWithRGB(text string, rgb pterm.RGB) pterm.Letters
func LettersFromStringWithStyle(text string, style *pterm.Style) pterm.Letters
func PrintAverageExecutionTime(count int, f func(i int) error) error
func RGBFromHEX(hex string) (pterm.RGB, error)
func RunWithDefaultSpinner(initzialSpinnerText string, f func(spinner *pterm.SpinnerPrinter) error) error
func RunWithSpinner(spinner *pterm.SpinnerPrinter, f func(spinner *pterm.SpinnerPrinter) error) error
func TableDataFromCSV(csv string) (td pterm.TableData)
func TableDataFromSeparatedValues(text, valueSeparator, rowSeparator string) (td pterm.TableData)
func TableDataFromTSV(csv string) (td pterm.TableData)
func TableFromStructSlice(tablePrinter pterm.TablePrinter, structSlice any) *pterm.TablePrinter
func TreeFromLeveledList(leveledListItems pterm.LeveledList) pterm.TreeNode