Debugging stories are fun! This is a collection of links to various debugging stories.
Bug that hides from breakpoints
Crash Bandicoot Memory Card Corruption
Debugging Behind the Iron Curtain
Digital divider with wrong output
FIRST robotics dashboard segfaults due to finalizer
GWT test passes during normal runs but fails during coverage runs
Matrix transformation is 10x faster in a test harness than in the game
MS Money crashes. Includes reverse engineered binary patch fix!
Network link instability due to DB caching policies
Python hashes files differently on different days
Signal fails only when returning from page fault handler
Signal handling on 286 emulator for Xenix
OS crashes on boot if machine was used recently
The case of the 500-mile email
The little ssh that (sometimes) couldn't
Tracking down tmux/vim strangeness
Windows crash dump of nonsensical instruction
- Dan Luu
- Dimitry (unknownexception)
- Howard Mao
- Jani Patokallio
- Jouke Waleson
- Jyrki Vesterinen
- Matteo Castellini
- michaelx386
- Nathan Isom
Improve formatting.
Write up some interesting bugs: 40 hour hang, hardware bug caused by copying behavior of Intel engineering sample found on ebay, etc.