Keeps your slack user active whenever auto-away kicks in.
$ npm install slack-keep-presence
$ slack-keep-presence -t <your token>
$ SLACK_TOKEN=<your_token> slack-keep-presence
@chrisbonini @ChaseGiunta Disabling auto-away isn't on our immediate roadmap, but it's on our "someday" list. Stay tuned! ✨
I do no twant to stay tuned.
Auto-away in slack is annoying, at least it is to me. That I've not lurked around slack for 30 minutes does not mean I am not available for anyone to ping. It baffles me such option is not available. Fortunately the slack API allows for circumventing this "feature".
OS X and Windows slack dists have something that checks for activity on the whole computer and disables auto-away. People using the webapp have no such option, so there's this.