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Independent Component Analysis

psambit9791 edited this page Dec 3, 2023 · 2 revisions

We apply the Independent Component Analysis to find underlying independent sources from observed mixtures of signals. There are certain assumptions underlying this method:

  • the statistical independence of the source signals
  • the observed signals being a linear combination of the source signals
  • the sources of the signals are non-Gaussian

Fitting the Model

The source signals used here are three sinusoids:
  • Source 1: $\sin(2\pi t)$
  • Source 2: $\sin(12\pi t)$
  • Source 3: $\sin(26\pi t)$
The observed signals are as follows:
  • Observation 1: $\sin(2\pi t) + \sin(12\pi t) + \sin(26\pi t)$
  • Observation 2: $0.5\sin(2\pi t) + 2\sin(12\pi t) + \sin(26\pi t)$
  • Observation 3: $1.5\sin(2\pi t) + \sin(12\pi t) + 2\sin(26\pi t)$
Source ⇨ Observed


long seed = 32; //For random state initialisation weights
ICA obj = new ICA(observed, seed); //observed is double[][];
double[][] recovered = obj.transform();
Observed ⇨ Recovered


Recovering from fitted ICA
double[][] recovered_unknown = obj.transform(unknown); //unknown is double[][]
Unknown Observed ⇨ Recovered


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