A mini p2p file sharing system.
We need following to generate SHA1 hash of the files.
sudo apt-get install openssl
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
- Code is divided in folders: client and tracker
- Both folders have corresponding Makefile. Use "make" in both folders to compile
- Run tracker
./tracker_2018201103 <my_tracker_ip>:<my_tracker_port> <other_tracker_ip>:<other_tracker_port> <seederlist_file> <log_file>
- Run client
./client_2018201103 <CLIENT_IP>:<UPLOAD_PORT> <TRACKER_IP_1>:<TRACKER_PORT_1> <TRACKER_IP_2>:<TRACKER_PORT_2> <log_file>
log_file(s) can be used to check the activities
- Share a file
share <local_file_path> <filename>.<file_extension>.mtorrent
It generates an mtorrent file and shares the information with tracker so that tracker can add the peer to seederlist
- Download a file
get <path_to_.mtorrent_file> <destination_path>
Gets data about the peers sharing the required file and starts downloading the file in destination_path
- Stop sharing a file
remove <filename.mtorrent>
Deletes mtorrent file and remove information about the peer from the tracker
- Show downloads
show downloads
show downloaded and downloading files
- Close the peer
Remove information from the tracker and closes the client program
- Spaces in file name should be escaped by \
- Relative and absolute paths are supported
- Only one tracker is implemented
- Downloading occurs only from one peer (first peer from seederlist) in chunks of 512KB
- All the mTorrent files should be present in client/mTorrent folder